Asus crosshair v formula-z

First post :)


Future proofish board. (There are components I don't understand completely).

32gb ram capability.

Multiple pci slots



4k capability for future.


Is there anything out there that may be comparable to the Asus crosshair v formula-z for a lower price tag? 


Trying to make sure I'm not jumping on a band wagon bc this board is pricey. Thank you, and my apologies if this has been answered: throw a link at me if so.


The Asus crosshair V Formula Z is indeed the best AM3+ mobo for the AMD FX platform.

  • This board does not has HDMI
  • Multiple pci-e slots are just the pci-e slots on the board, every board has them.
  • 32GB ram, is also standard on the 990FX platform.
  • 4K capacity has totaly nothing to do with the motherboard. But depends on the GPU
  • Future proof: No its not future proof, because the AM3+ platform is basicly EOL.

THe Formula Z, is the best AM3+ board out there like i said above, it has the best overclockers friendly bios, it has intel lan, and supreme FX shielded audio.  This board is basicly designed for overclockers and gamer.

A good alternative board will be Asrock 990FX Extreme 9. in terms of overclocking its very similar, it also has intel lan.

But are you looking for an AMD system specificly? because in terms of feutures intel Z97 motherboards are much more up to date.

AMD CPU's are just so much cheaper.

Why doesn't it have HDMI? Does the graph card handle this component?

Because AMD FX cpu´s dont have an intergrated GPU in the chip.

But that does not matter, because HDMI goes via the Graphic card yes.

But you say the intel cpu´s are so much more expensive, but i dont realy agree with that. If you are mainaly a gamer, then an i5-4690K with a Z97 board, would be arround the same price in the end.

the Formula Z is realy expensive, a Z97 board can be found cheaper then that. and an i5 performs much better in cpu bound games, like MMO´s and what not, then any FX.

I have a 1080 Samsung LED TV which is why I'm concerned about hdmi. No monitor.



Look at the price diffrence, the intel option will perform better in gaming, keep that in mind. Offcourse you can grab a cheaper AMD board, or a FX8320, to make it cheaper then the intel, But with an FX8 core you dont wanne go too cheap on a mobo.

So yeah, how much worth is it to you, to invest in a 3 year old AMD system with no upgrade abillity?

in my opinnion, its not worth it.

Thats basicly a very sollid build, But keep in mind in cpu bound games, the GTX970 will slightly get bottlenecked by the FX8350 at 1080p in some games.

I tweaked your build to intel, so its up to you to decide. I assume this build is mainaly ment for gaming?


Is intel really that much better? That's only a quad core at 3.5ghz.

for gaming, its definitely better, its also overclockable offcourse.

THe thing is that intel cpu´s have better single threaded performance, and a much better ipc. On which allot of games still relay´s on. Games dont use more then 4 main threads. cpu bound games like mmo´s realy benefits from an intel cpu. But also cpu bound + gpu demending scenario´s like multiplayer, the i5 will be better in the minimum frame rates.

But even a FX9590 which is an overclocked FX8350 to 4.7ghz, loses in cpu bound games from even a locked i5 at 3.5ghz.

Still this does offcourse not mean that the FX8350 is a bad buy, dont get me wrong. I have a FX8350 my self for more then 2 years now, and it served me realy well. But if you are a gamer mainaly and you have to build a new system right now, then i would recommend the 4690K realy.  The 4690K is simply the better allrounder for pure gaming.

Good to know. Ty for the advice.

I may use the computer for Reason or pro tools at some point as well.

Funny thing is I just found this old emachine in my basement, and it has an intel board. Maybe just to save some money I'll go that route if this board is worth anything.

Intel Desktop Board D865GVHZ

you cannot use that old board for a new intel chip offcourse.

complete diffrent platform, chipset and socket.

But I may be able to use this old case and 82gb hdd I know have from gutting it.


You should be able to use the hard drive if it is sata which i believe it is after looking up the specs here.

As for the case it depends. Since this a microatx board your case might only accommodate up to that size which might be an issue when getting a new board. if you can tell what case that would help.  I do agree that you with mystery angel in that you should probably go intel. Going with amd at the moment as mystery angel said means you are investing into a dead socket with no upgrade path. If you are lucky and live near a microcenter you can pick up an intel bundle of a 4690k and an asus z97-ar board for around 310 to 330 depending on the taxes in your state. I would post a link from pcpartpicker but for some reason they dont show the bundle. Just go to the website and look for the intel motherboard bundles.

Just to let you know this is the upgrade path i am planning to go on as well. I have a fx 6300 on a crappy 760g chipset motherboard. The chip has been good to me for the last but i want something better.


I just have trouble understanding how a cpu with 4 less cores and a lower ghz output can compare.


Got it. I need to do some research.

The problem is that you are determining the performance of the chips by their frequency and how many cores they have. As mysteryangel said earlier many simply do not use more than than 2 to 3 cores. There are some that do but for the most part many don't. Plus intel has much better per core performance than amd. Here is a video showing the difference between the 4770k and and a fx 8350. SKip to 9:20 for the benchmark.

Also watch this video from jayztwocents which explains why he went from the fx 8350 to the 3770k which is a older chip.

You could also look up Linus videos from linus tech tips on the fx 8350 vs the 3570k i believe. I just want to say that going with amd is not a bad option. It is a great processor and is fairly cheap. It is great for a budget gamer.

MisteryAngel recommended the 4690K not the 4770K