Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z No Audio

I have had the motherboard for a little while now and today after plugging in a speaker it suddenly has no audio. The devices are not identified or in any way noticed. The speaker in that was plugged in worked fine with my phone I was using it with previously. I've tried reinstalling the drivers and still nothing.

maybe try diffrent speakers?

I've tried all the speakers I can find it doesn't recognize anything.


well if you installed the drivers, check in device manager, if your sound card driver is installed, if so and nothing reacts then check all the audio playback devices, if you have a radeon card, they have audio as well, somethimes things getting messed up at this point. you need to select the correct device. But windows 7 sometimes messes this up. (trying to trow the audio over the GPU instead of the soundcard)

You could also check if your audio chip is maybe disabled in the bios.

If you cannot solve the issue, then you probably need to RMA the motherboard.

I checked the device manager and it says that it is there. I found out that my monitor has a headphone jack on the back so I can run the audio off of that. Would it be worth it to go through the trouble of RMA or just wait a little while until I make some money for a real sound card?

well i would contact asus about it realy, the crosshair formula just needs to be good simple is that.

Make sure you audio isnt disable in your bios

It is, I just checked that.

so your good?



No, it still is recognizing anything that I connect.

you could also download linux mint live cd, boot from that, and look if you have audio then.


I would say right click on speaker icon in taskbar. Make sure your not muted. Then left click again on speaker icon. Left click on icon at top of slider. It should bring up a pop up. Should tell if the device is enable or not. By the way the icon should say Speakers and look like one and have something like realtek hd audio. I would check out the levels tab and make everything is on  or turned up. If you click on the speaker icon in the taskbar and you dont have a speaker icon above the slider just right click on speaker icon choose playback devices, select speaker/ Also some mb selectively disable speaker ports when you plug in headphones or tell the audio manager its headphones your using. My biggest audio issue is that i accidently mute myself. Since you can do in so many places in mess that is windows audio its left me going wtf many times.


It looks like everyhting is set properly. I'll try booting linux a bit later.