Astro A50 or Steelseries H-Wireless?

So I have had to two Turtle Beach XP500's and both have broken in the exact same way (needles to say I'm P***ED and will never buy anything from them again). The pair that just broke should be under warranty but just in case I'm looking at the Astro A50's and Steelseries H-Wireless. I would like someones opinion as to witch are better, I'm also open to other suggestions but they have to be wireless (because I'm in a power chair and it just loves to eat long cables), they have to be compatible with consoles, and I would prefer ones with programmable EQ and virtual surround sound. Thanks for the help in advance. 

personally i would go with the astro's because they are specifically made for gaming and are a well known brand. (Love to see some pics of that setup when your finished, sounds awsome.)


Steelseries. Heard the audio was better on the Wireless H.

If I can put in my 2 cents, unless you are specifically going for wireless, I would suggest a nice 7.1 headset instead of the simulated suround from astros or H's. I have been doing alot of looking into the Razer Tiamat headset. It may be razer, but it is the only solid pair of wired 7.1  I have found. No simulated suround either. Uses the 3/8 connectors on your soundcard...... 5 of them. As well as a usb port to power the EQ panel. It is wired, but you are trading wireless for a better suround experience. As for the "that kid" saying astro is a well known brand. Only to console gamers..... Steelseries has been a huge name in PC gaming for years.