Assassin's Creed Unity launched this morning and, as we expected......, it runs like complete ass.
AC Unity has a lot of the same problems that Watch Dogs had.
It has been reported to have horrible SLI support, poor texture quality, very obvious texture popping, shadow flickering, and various other problems that I'll get to in a minute.
This morning, Total Biscuit posted the following on Twitter in regards to Unity:
"Can't sleep and Unity is out so lemme tell you about my experience so far. I only got access to code yesterday so I'm not that far in but there's a promised Day 1 patch that by the looks of it is SORELY needed. Getting that game to run on max settings is a nightmare, it's a huge resource hog. My 2 980s barely keep up. In the small tutorial area I was looking at some nasty drops one 1 980, prior to Nvidia putting in an SLI profile.
As it stands I can JUST keep it at 60, though it has some drops below at times. The game doesn't really look like it justifies that. It has some killer popin, just like Watchdogs did, actors very obviously and inconspicuously switch between detail levels depending on your distance to them and often just appear out of nowhere and disappear at random.
Lighting is glitchy as hell and overall texture quality is poor. I will say the faces and mo-cap quality is excellent, it actually has a kiss that doesn't look like 2 robots rubbing their faces together, so there's that. The problem that I had yesterday was just the MASS of bugs. Guards spawning in from the sky, NPC actors wandering through terrain and clipping through objects, scripted sequences breaking at random and stealth seems like it's just busted.
I had a guy spot me in a stealth section, run up to me as I was standing and then "lose track" of me. I was right in front of his face, he just wandered off. Thus far the game seems like quite the step backwards. Combat feels much more sluggish than Black Flag, but I admit I have yet to unlock a lot of the weapons and gadgets, I'm not that far in. So I don't have much to say about the gameplay up to this point (its been super standard Asscreed stuff) but this Day 1 patch is sorely needed, because the game without it is a buggy mess."
Many users reported bugs like this:
Many users, including Total Biscuit, have reported not being able to get the game to run at 60 FPS even on the lowest settings on average rigs. Users with extremely high end rigs (i7-4770K+2x 980 SLI) aren't even able to run the game at 60FPS on the highest settings at 1080p.
The game looks hideous on the lowest settings and is still extremly hard to run at the lowest settings. This is a screenshot from a user with a Superclocked GTX 760 who said on reddit that he/she couldn't get a solid 60 FPS even on the lowest settings at 1176x664.
Frankly the game isn't that impressive looking at max settings either as you can see in the screenshots below.
We're really tired of this shit Ubisoft... I won't be suprised when someone finds hidden graphical features or intentional PC nerfing by Ubisoft. I wonder how long it will take ubisoft to stop doing this the PC audience.
The only way to stop them from doing this is to stop buying their sorry excuses for ports; I strongly advise against buying this game and fueling their disregard of our standards as PC gamers