ASRock X299 Extreme 4 Motherboard Review + Linux Test | Level One Techs

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Clicking “[email protected]” leads to an error page for me.

Anyway… first time that glass with the tide pods is up there?

Just curious… Does it have the automatic drive installer through UEFI? I used it on my old Asrock board, it didn’t quite work properly. So I didn’t even check if they have it on the AM4 board. So just curious, if you have seen or used it…

Those Fairchild’s arent too bad as long as you can actively cool them.
Asrock has used similar Fairchild’s on their X99 boards aswell.
Of course i would have liked to see those new 60A ISL powerstages instead.
But then they basiclly cannot make any money on this board.
Decent vrm components 60A IR or ISL powerstages simply costs money.
And then a board cannot really be cheap.

Still all in all its not too bad if you can life with all the io limmitations its comes with.
But i personally dont think that this board is going to be very appealing doe.
Still tumbs up for Asrock giving us a entry level budget option for a HEDT platform regardless.

Umm… Can we get Steve and Buildzoid to clarify on the VRMs at 100C thing?

Also, careful with watching Netflix in the background with the B-roll, even if it’s blurred. Remember, the Content ID AI is getting smarter day by day.

Plus, what’s with the Cascade pods in a martini glass? It used to be M&Ms.

Isnt really needed, because @wendell is spot on. :slight_smile:
I dont have the board on hands myself to take a look at it.
But based on what wendell said, Asrock used those powerpaks on other boards as well recentlly.
And those numbers wendell speaks about are about correct.
The data sheet on those said powerpaks can probablly be found online if you are interested.
But this particular board just isnt really ment for extreme overclocking.

its relativelly cheap for a reason. :wink: