This is kinda cool similar to the Paul card in a way. Asrock is making amazing things these days
"its power consumption is rated at 1.49 Watts, "
This is kinda cool similar to the Paul card in a way. Asrock is making amazing things these days
"its power consumption is rated at 1.49 Watts, "
very neat. but i dont understand what the use case would be.
under what circumstances would somebody need this?
for boards without integrated graphics? those are almost exclusively gaming boards and gamers almost always buy dedicated graphics accelerators.
A ton of AMD cpus dont have integrated graphics, want to repurpose for a box that doesnt need gpu power but you would like to have display out still. Only eats 1 pcie lane and can be even put in a m.2 slot if you dont need it for storage. Low power even at load I would guess as well, would have be nice if it had 264/265 encoder (might didnt dig enough in either for transcoding)
Use it on your hypervisor and use your main gpu for your gaming vm etc.
I could use this for the Ryzen based AV machine in the studio. It’s got an APU in it right now just for display out capabilities but the upgrade path is all CPUs with no iGPU. Could allow some more performance in the little box before needing a rebuild down the line.
Hopefully this is like a $50 product or less, considering you can get a pi zero w for $10 this should be pretty darn cheap
do they make an HDMI one?
lol no this is the first of its kind, it does “supports resolutions of up to 1920×1440”
so you could just get a active adapter such as this
This might also be useful for Intel chips without onboard igpu/ BMC on mobo.
In fact, I have a machine that runs headless, where all pcie lanes are in use, but it doesn’t have a GPU for troubleshooting boot issues.
late to the party. stumbled upon this. i still like supermicro but, AsRock has really been innovating lately
Reached out to newegg, no dice also checked MA Labs doesnt show listed there yet. Sent a follow up email to Meg.
So spoilers…
It can run HL2 at nearly 20 fps
Maybe he can hook the L1Store up with some… and some PAUL’s while he’s at it…
I would like to buy this, i just assembled my new TrueNAS server went with a B450 ITX board and a AMD Ryzen R5 3600 fir its price to performance. But i later find that you get no video out AT ALL, without some other grapics card. As i only have one PCI-e slot that seems to be the possiblity for now.
My Old Intel P67 chipset used with a 2600K could provide basic video, even though they said could not use the internal graphics. i assumed the same would be the case here.
So i need exactly something like this, just for basic output, to see screen when moving disks in and seeing console etc. i guess i can setup everything in TrueNAS and remove the old GTX 570 i have when i dont need video output any longer and am using the web interface?
Unless you need super low power used gpu will be cheaper
I’d look at it more for freeing up a PCIe socket
but also take up pcie slot, and possibly pcie 6/8pin power from psu
i would prefer that, Months go by without looking at what on-screen, having a GTX 570 idle is expensive with danish electricity prices Also i might want to use that PCI-e Slot for a 10 Gig Ethernet or something later on, instead of simply occsional video output
M.2 to pcie adapter