Asrock Fatal1ty X399 Professional Gaming - Spectacular failure

Have not had much trouble with motherboards in the past and was wondering how common is it for a motherboard to fail catastrophically.

Anyone else experienced anything similar? The mobo is roughly 3,5 years old and just out of warranty (naturally…).

Based on the damage the board is a total write off and not rapairable.

I guess it is time to try to find something similar on ebay and hope that the other components survived the carnage.

Any recomendations for a replacement board?


Holy shit that’s a doozy. I’ve definitely never had one fail like that; honestly, not many have failed for me period.

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That is unfortunate. Big F

Outside of Chinese amplifiers, I have not seen a PCB “explode” like that.

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Any chance it could have been outside influence like a bad PSU or lightning etc?

Possible yes, somewhat unlikely given the powerstages feeding the CPU are okay.

Given the position on the board in the current path from the CPU 4-pin to the Powerstages, I would guess some Via catastrophically failed.

The PC was in sleep mode, protected by a UPS so dont think so. The board fried the moment I turned it back on.

Tested the PSU and the voltages are OK, but have not load tested it yet.

Ended up ordering the same board used from ebay for way too much money to replace the one that failed. X399 boards are hard to come by…

Will let you know if the CPU and Ram survived the carnage.

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Fantastic shots. Thanks for sharing. This one has it all. Globs of copper, and then the memory slot mount joint and the row of pin joints all blown center-ward. Heat!
So that mem slot wasnt populated? Was it ever populated? Had you shuffled memory recently and possibly fractured something on the MB edge?
Again thanks for sharing. ‘F’ for your catastrophe.


The weird thing is that I have not touched the computer for almost a year. It has been reliable since 2018. Not even any overclocking. Nothing was interfering with the board, it was installed nicely, there was hardly even any dust in the case. I really hope the CPU fine after this.

Fan bearing oil leak?

A mosfet could have failed closed sending unregulated juice somewhere it ought not?


I suppose it is possible, but the closest fan is not exactly close to the affected area. There were no marks apart from smoke/sut on the fans and they seem to spin nicely.

Took a close look at the fans and was not able to see any oil marks anywhere so not likely this happened.

Thas an F

I’ve seen [new] ASRocks PG6 and Taichi series boards listed, with some regularity

Good news everyone

Got a new (super expensive used) identical board and the CPU and RAM are detected and the board boots to UEFI.

Was worried that everything was killed to death.



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