Is this motherboard any good? putting it into my first build and was wondering whatcha guys/gals think.
Is this motherboard any good? putting it into my first build and was wondering whatcha guys/gals think.
yeah, asrock makes good mobos. so does asus. i've heard some iffy things about gigabyte, good theings too....
Asrock makes fine mobo's. Asus is better, so is gigabyte. If it has the features your looking for in a certain price range, get it.
well... asus is also more expensive for similar features....
if anything, asrock=asus~gigabyte.... not sure how gigabyte compares... all of them have their good mobos and their bad ones. thr 990fx asrock fatal1ty is a good one.
Doesnt equal. They dont overclock as well. Gigabyte and Asus are much more robust boards. They overclock better in general. The only board that comes close is the extreme 11, but its more then both of the flagship boards from gigabyte and asus.Also Asus has some of the best RMA in the buisness (slightly worse then evga)
i seen benchmarks that say otherwise.,3187-21.html,3254.html,3305-24.html
asrock has more i/o and similar or even better oc at price point
Like you said and I agree. They make better budget boards. If you take Asus higher end boards such as there ROG series boards, or the UD7 boards from gigabyte. They overclock much better then anything Asrock makes. The only thing that does overclock pretty well is the Extreme11, but its incredible expensive.
Asrock = better for budget and mid range
Asus, Gigabyte makes better high end.
Just an FYI Asrock is ex Asus employees. They make decent boards for a good price.
yes and no....all manucaturers really lack in their mobos for am3+. i find that the fatal1ty gives better features than the crosshair for $30 less. and their mobos do overclock exceptionall well, unless you go to the $400-500 range.
Depends what features you consider. OC probably similar, UI Asus is better (personal opinion), Aftermarket parts Asus is better, Asus software is better (personal prefrence).
They have nearly identical boards, but I'd rather invest in something that has much better user experience. Asus makes better software, bios, and are easier to overclock because of the easier bios. This is all my personal opinion of course, but I've used quite a few boards from most of the big manufacturers and this is what I have come across.
meh, go with either, and you prolly won't notice the diff, cept that with asrock you'll have more usb and sata.
I also have used asus retail products, and have had good experiences. they make good, solid products.
Also. I apologize to the OP for the cluter of his thread. To make a short answer, its a fine mobo for the money. If it has everything you want you should 100% get it.