So I am not far away from building my next PC. The MoBo I am thinking of going with is the ASRock Fatal1ty 990FX Killer. I have read there are some issues with heat on the north bridge. Hoping someone here has personal experience with it and can tell me if I should go with a different MoBo.
i dont have this board myself, But indeed this particular board has some issues wenn overclocking a FX 8 core above 4.5Ghz. The vrm´s and mosfets do indeed run a littlebit hot. The problem with this, is that hot vrm´s and mosfets will result in voltage drops.
The problem with this board is that the bios does not have a LLC option inside the bios (as far as i know), to correct these voltage drops. so this basicly will result in cpu throttle.
However i have only read about this issue, wenn people trying to do some high overclocks above 4.7 ish GHz. But OC to 4.5GHz should be totaly fine.
THe Asrock 990FX killer, is a very nice board design for gamers, with some very nice feutures. But its indeed not realy the best overclocker out there.
If your goal is to overclock the shit out of a FX 8 core, then the Asrock 990FX killer is NOT the board for you.
If you are looking for a specific rock sollid overclockers board, then i can recommend these 3.
- Asus crosshair V Formula Z
- Asrock 990Fx Extreme 9
- Asus 990Fx Sabertooth R2.0
But may i ask you, what you are going to do with this system mainaly? Because if gaming is your first priority, then i would recommend to take a look at a 4690K + Z97 board now days realy. Haswell i5´s are simply better allrounders for gaming.
if you calculate an extreme overclockers boards for the FX in combination with some decent cooling, then the i5-4690k wont be that much more expensive in the end. But it will definitely perform better in allot cpu bound games especialy on 1080p.
So it depends a bit on what you wanne do with your system.