Asrock Fatal1ty 990FX Killer vs Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0

HEY GUYS ! im building a 1250€ gaming computer...and the budget for the mobo is about 130 to 158€

...and im undecided between this two mobos .... PLEASE HELP ME !!!! 

i will let you the links for the two beauties:

Ps: i need to choose between these two beacause is the cheapest motherboards (in my budget) that i could find near my house :)

 wow and i have other mobos but i dont know if they are that good like these two:

 MSI Sk AM3+ (990FXA-GD65)

Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0

Asrock 970 Extreme4


Tough call, I like the ASRock there but ASUS have a better reputation for solid boards. I don't have experience with MSI motherboards (I don't count using a £35 H61 board for a friend as experience) but I like their Graphics cards. The M5A97 EVO R2.0 is great (I use it) but if you want the best your first two options are the best. Purely for aesthetics I'd take the ASRock but it's not an easy call.

the thing is ... its 30€ cheaper the asrock one but is still in my budget the asus one but in other hand with that 30€ i would buy two fans or something like that for my build ... thats why im so confused in which one i should get ... i dont know the reputation of asrock so much and i intend to overclock the max of my cpu aswell my gpu by the way im getting a 290x direct cu ii from asus and a fx 8320 ... 

Sabertooth is the better board, if you realy tempt to overclock the hell out of your cpu,they just well known about theire sollid OC stability. it also has 8 sata ports instead of 5 on the Asrock killer. that is something to keep in mind. But on the otherhand the Killer, has a nice color scheme, gold plated caps, 8+2 powerphase and digi vrm. so the specs look fine to me. If i look at the price point of the killer, then i think its a nice board for its price. And the power delivery looks decent enough to reach decent overclocks.

Asrock has also a 990FX Fatality professional, its a little bit older then the killer, but it has a massive 12+2 powerphase and digi vrm. same as the Asrock Extreme 9. those boards are great. but i dont know hom much this one costs, probably more expensive then the sabertooth. so thats probably no brainer.

How ever the Fatality killer, is a bit on the price point of the Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0 which is also a good  budget board, but i think that the killer wins at that point.

I think that i would go for the killer, if overclocking is not you first attemp. the €30 you save spend it else where, maybe in a higherend GPU. if its for gaming.

Grtz Angel ☺

just keep in mind that the fatality name is getting money from the msi board so you are paying extra for a name vs extra for higher quality that being said i'm a fan of asus 


The Msi 990FXA-GD65 i would personaly advice to just not botter about that one. These msi boards GD65 and also the GD80 had alot of issues in the past with connectivity.. and also the bios is crap.

Bios: same story with gigabyte am3+

Grtz Angel ☺

How much is the Sabertooth at where you are? If it does indeed translate to $150,that's pretty cheap for a board of that calibre.

its  €150 in the Netherlands i can buy a sabertooth for €140.

€150 = $202,56

Ah,i didn't notice the Euro as the OP had the dollar sign.

Okay,that's higher than normal but it's expected. Same here as well. We don't like the fact that the prices are jacked up,but we have to live with it.

yeah well i guess its euro´s because in a second post he says, that the killer is ""€30 cheaper.""

But if i look at the specs of the killer, till now the only con i can find is the lack of sata ports. only 5. Furter it has all the good stuff ALC1150 audio chip with amp for 600 ohm headsets. killer E2200 lan chip which is nice! and a M-sata connector which is fairly new on AMD.. also 64GB of mem support. but thats not realy interessting.

I have to say for its price point, im a bit starting to like it my self lol ☺

sorry about the misunderstanding on the price there yes its about 158€ euros where i live. and the and the asrock one is 130€ its almost a 30€ difference.

Most people don't even use that many drives in the machine,lol.Although,more SATA ports are always nice to have.

I probably will get flamed for this but how many *normal* people end up plugging in a 600ohm headphone into a computer? Don't get me wrong,it's just that the marketing makes no sense to me.

The Killer NIC,now this is something i am not sure of.I have never used a computer that had a killer NIC in it,so i have no clue. The RAM support will be nice for people using RAMDisks,i suppose?

But hey,you've already got the EVO R2.0. Nifty board,that is.

Well to tell you the truth ... maybe at the max i will have like 3 hard drives in it and that is alot to me so the 5 sata ports are okey with me ... what i would like to know is on the reliability side of the overclocking comparing the two boards side by side ... beacause i intend to have nice stable overclocks on the future 8320fx cpu and im going to the 4.8ghz mark (with the Noctua's DH-14) therefore i need a good advice on the board that i should take im really afraid of burning something on my components that is going to be so hard to buy for me ...
Sorry about my crappy english .. :s 

well i have to say that the sabertooth will probably overclock higher and more easier, but also with the killer i expect that you could reach a 4.6 GHZ without any pain. and honnestly 4.6 GHZ is basicly the sweet spot, there is not much of a real life performance diffrence between a 4.6ghz and a 4.8 GHZ oc. even a 4.4 or 4.5 is basicly nice. you wont see much of a diffrence in real time performance between a 4.5 and a 4.8 OC.

+1 to that. The Sabertooth is all round better for OCing.

And dude,don't ever apologize for trying to learn a new language.You're putting in the effort and now know one more language.