ASRock B650 Livemixer with xpansion board

Where can we get this orange motherboard with the xpansion board? Google search, newegg and amazon just have the B650 board itself without the xpansion board.

I’m more interested in the xpansion board since I can get the motherboard easily. It seems that the xpansion board is harder to get.


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Do you mean “B650”??

Yes. but the xpansion board I want with the board. Seems the board is easy to get the xpansion board, not so much

They updated the video description.

That xpansion card and MB was a wendell only thing… the retail board wont have that j2 header

We’ve been jbaited

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since you are on Asrocks good side to get cool stuff… can you probe them if they would be willing to do a mATX MB with one 4.0 x16 and three 4.0 x4 slots and two 3.0 m.2’s?

Sorry about threadjacking

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have to have special board and expansion card, not normally sold, just a demo of asrock engineering

but asrock is watching to gage interest for a future product

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If Mr. or Mrs. AsRock is reading this, we like it and want more!

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be sure to comment on the video as well


Did they mention anything about the cost? If it is going to encroach into the Epyc/Threadripper motherboard territory, it’s probably not going to make sense like the Gigabyte Z490 prototype board w/ PLX chip LTT just reviewed.

Sorry for asking a lot. Can you post the IMMO groups? Are there different USB controllers you could assign to different VMs? Would a 10GB NIC like the XG-C100C work?

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iommu is in the vid if someone wants to go screengrab…

Excellent timing! I saw this video with a Livemixer already in my basket and it looks to be everything I was hoping for!

In the video you mentioned that the iGPU gets its own IOMMU group @wendell. Not sure if I’m understanding you correctly, but does that mean you expect to be able to pass the iGPU through to VMs? That would truly make my day.

Wonder will AMD make a CnD, ASRocks direction… squashing these kinda [fun] antics
I do hope these idears, keep pushing on – Totally entertain such a build, down the line

This would be extremely handy on a B650E mATX board. That should be the target. The PCI-E layout of the B650M Riptide, but with B650E , the J2 header, and this.

Also, it should have 4 SATA ports with a switch that changes between the M.2 and the SATA ports.

it was on my wishlist… and i was even more ready to get it after i first watched the video b/c of the expansion board… but got a little sad when i found out it wasnt a retail product.

I went through the same emotional rollercoaster!

I’m still excited about getting the board but “Here’s something really cool that you can’t have” certainly seems to be one way to make great things slightly disappointing. Strange tactic from ASRock.

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Does it support ECC memory? The manual mentions it but it’s a generic one for AM5 boards.

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