Ask Us Anything [Within Reason]

@Logan do you have a higher resolution, ultra-wide, version of the Zweihander Nitheren artwork? Something for say two 1440p monitors?

The two images that are floating around independently don't line up right, it's like there is space missing or they are pieces from two different photos.

What College/Universities if any did @Logan @wendell @Pistol and @DeusQain go to?

Logan cooked eggs in a video on the how to live channel.

What are your opinions on encryption for general device use? Should we all be encrypting our Linux / Windows / Android machines? How about end-to-end e-mail encryption? What is the most sensible balance between security and convenience for most people?

wait, cbus is doing esports stuff? Damn it, moved to early

Have any of the Tek syndicate crew ever been to the UK? If you have, what was your favourite part? If not, are you intent on doing so?

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How important is TekLinux to you guys (Logan and Wendell mostly), and are there plans to see more of Logan on the TekLinux channel?

Wendell is awesome and usually more informative, but Logan gives us a bit of a "noob perspective" and it's very refreshing. I've been worried lately since he seems to take a different stance in videos. He's drifted more toward the "I still need a few things that are only on Windows" stance, and I've seen him using Windows in a few videos. When TekLinux first started I thought he was going all in, which was very exciting. I'm not calling Logan a liar or anything, I just remember when I made the switch a few years ago, and I ended up abandoning the type of software that would chain one to Windows forever. Haven't ever regretted it.

It's the same shell as GNU/Linux, so you should at least be comfortable with the terminal. Maybe also with some of the third party package managers like homebrew/macports. As far as graphical stuff, I wouldn't worry about it.

Love this question! Hope it gets picked.

Logan has said multiple times that one of the main reasons why he hasn't fully switched over to linux for his daily production tasks is that he purchased expensive digital instruments for the DAW he uses that he has been unable to get working on Linux. Because he is using these instruments on his new album that is coming out Oct 31st, I'm sure making the switch to linux is not the priority right now since he is working hard to meet the release date. Once the album is released and things wind down a bit I'll bet that he will re-address making the switch.

Why move to Washington? Are you a secret agent for Microsoft or something?

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Anyone know how this inbox thing works? We asked all these questions, now when are they going to answer? I assumed it was immediate like in Reddit...

Nope. They'll make a specific inbox.exe video and upload it once its done. They'll select some of the questions and answer them. Inbox videos used to be a more frequent occurrence and I think part of the patreon funds will go to bringing it back to a more regular cadence.

@Alamar got it. OP was written implying a video

Why don't you two go ahead and drink some of that beverage you've got on your desk. Now. DO IT !

@Logan @Pistol @wendell

Double question time!

1) Tesla S? Yes or no and when?

2) What are your feelings about Austria? Do you know anything about Styria? :)


Mainly @wendell, but @Logan and @DeusQain as well, taking things off of cloud provides and using things like, freenas, openmediavault, mediagoblin, small computers for 'stuff' (rpis etc) for all our digital stuff. To what extent do you do this (what kind fo things have you replaced with your own solution), what are you using, how do you find the workflow, and what kind of compromises/challenges (if any) have you made to keep your data in your hands?

Somewhat similar questions have come up in the past but it be interesting to see a more overall picture.

Why can't I find true happiness? :P

Serious Question:

There are a lot of younger viewers of the show that look up to you guys. With that though, how do you prevent a cult of personality from cropping up?

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This is a serious question :(

I already know the answer :) hint: life is miserable

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