Ask Us Anything! That's Right, It's L1 AMA time! (2022)

How do you cover medical expenses and not go broke? Travel over seas/canada to fix a tooth?
This is my biggest concern as I’d like to travel the US, but the thought of having a six digit debt after ONE visit…

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It’s called travel insurance.


Hi Level1 team! Do you have any insight into the pci-e 5 nvme world? I run a few programs that are read/write dependent right now and while I have a great gen 4 nvme supposedly gen 5 is going to go super duper really fast. Specifically can you talk on thoughts regarding known specs, including read/write endurance and any release date timeline? I’ve read that it is supposed to come with AM5 but outside of some random OEM press release I’ve not been able to find out more. Thanks!

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What is the best book or series that you have read fiction & non-fiction that you would recommend to read?

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Hi team!
Welcome back Editor Amber!

The ARM is upon us. With Apple going full force with all of their computers and Microsoft announcing ARM Windows PCs as well (not to mention Azure, AWS or GCP), this seems to be the way some of the big companies are moving forward. But what does this mean for the x86_64 platforms? Is HEDT compute and gaming moving to ARM? And if so, why? Why is ARM better and why did Apple make an ARM cpu instead of an x86_64 one?

Sorry if the question is a bit bloated.

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Are there any plans to look at alternative CPU technologies like RISC-V and POWER? The stuff that was done with Raptor computing was cool.

Any plans at looking into and discussing/dissecting retro CPU architectures like Itanium, SPARC, and m68K? Looking at the technologies of old to understand how we got to where we are now may prove interesting to those that are just getting into the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering fields.

also, welcome back @Level1_Amber! You were greatly missed.


Which cause should we mail our congress critter the most about?

Net neutrality, Pardoning Snowdon/not burying Assange for the rest of his natural life, Universal income once the robots takes our jerbs, higher highway speeds so we can get to our destination without our ticket, or am I just dreaming we could have any?


There are some loose ends left from last drunk stream, from my perspective:

Did Ryan get the Corvette and did L1T go to the Caribbean and made selfies with “spanish girls”? If not, when will we get these long overdue pictures?


Thoughts on Salt vs Puppet vs Ansible vs a pile of scripts in a git repo ran by cronjob?


Just mail them glitter. They won’t listen anyways.

Protip: the former 3 are just the latter with extra steps.


Anything??? Okay. So when do you suppose USB4 will be readily available at the domestic end user level and will there be any USB4 expansion cards making a debut any time soon? People keep saying next year but next year never seems to come.

I’ve got a laptop with 4x USB 4 ports operating within full thunderbolt 4 specs, just lacking certification. :person_shrugging:


I guess you could call that a start. Don’t know why it’s taking so long considering PCIe 5 is already on the horizon.

I have a question specifically for Wendell. I’ve really enjoyed the IoT series from 1-2 years ago (and I’d love to see some more videos on that topic), but I’m a little concerned about where we currently are headed with smart thermostats. I think for many people (certainly was with me at least) that the first smart home device we installed was a smart thermostat. My thermostat had a REST API that you could remotely control it over the wifi connection that it maintained, and it was owing to the simplicity of the controls - you are effectively just electrically switching things on and off in order to activate the furnace, A/C, blower fan, etc., but many of the newer units being advertised and installed today are much more sophisticated where they have additional controls like dehumidifiers, different zones/splits, as well as variable or non-binary outputs, like running a fan at half-speed. Today’s new units are coming with proprietary thermostats that are super fancy but they’re removing a lot of the flexibility that the far simpler thermostats like Nest, Ecobee, etc have long afforded, in addition to the fact that we’re in danger of losing the standardization even with things like thermostat wiring and common electrical standards we’ve long benefited from. What can we possibly do to promote a new standard for HVAC wiring and thermostats that supports many of the newer features without devolving into proprietary wiring and controls for each manufacturer?


The short version would be to get something that is supported by some open source home automation platform/library. Demand is by far the most powerful tool you have, if people start asking about such features and manufacturers/vendors see that sales are declining you’ll most likely see change of features.

What is the most useful item in your kitchen, not the most used necessarily but the best, handiest, thing you would miss if you didn’t have one.


Would the world be a better place if we hadn’t taught sand to think?


What are your thoughts on the “death” of Threadripper non-Pro and potential price creep that could result? Would Threadripper be only the realm of W-3175X customers as a result?

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My questions:
@Level1_Amber what was working in medical IT like, was it like the horror stories you read online?
When will we ever get the @kreestuh and ryan co-news?
Will @kreestuh ever do a solo level1tech video?


What is the biggest underdog of your household items?

e.g. Item/items you were hesitant to buy, but now saves your life every time. Anything works, gardening gadgets, chair, appliance, bidet, some automation stuff…