As promised i have pics from the mark one and two of my build


i have upgraded more, more pictures will come soon. 

Looks good, although I did find it strange that you are running both your RAM sticks in single channel mode

single channel mode?

Dig the exhaust fans externally mounted.  I do the same. I'm forced to due to working in older and mostly oem cases. Imho they move slightly more air.

what motherboard is that?


z87 pro, it's built really well

that was my ghetto fan rig, i was ragged on pretty hard for it but it did work. my water loop needs replacing when i have the money, I've striped the mounts pretty badly (in my noob ness) and one of the fans cut my finger because i had touched it while it was running, so now it's hitting. (i was inspecting the case while it was running and put my hand in a bad spot) 

Your running each of your sticks in a different bank (black is one bank, gold is another), I don't want to go into detail about multi-channel memory modes but if you put your RAM into matching slots(same color) you should see a performance boost, a small one but its there.

eh when i move it to take pics of the inside ill move the ram

im not too worried about it 

mark three is now up, so i just have to get some shots of the inside and it will be complete for now.