Article defending windows 10

poor benighted souls, chill out. I'm not here to hurt you, :)

Microsoft is under a microscope, constantly, with its every move
examined by security experts and privacy advocates. Windows 10 has been
available in preview versions for nearly 10 months and in a final
version for roughly six weeks, since build 10240 was released in
mid-July.You'd think if those 75 million hard drives were being
scoured someone might have noticed. But so far, no word from anyone who
actually knows how to use a network analyzer. Because it's not

We all waited for T&C and privacy to be changed, thats what everyone was talking about wait its just technical preview its going to be changed... and in the end it wasn't.

But my PC has autism now, can I sue Microsoft? /s

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I'm sorry @CyklonDX.. I can't let you do that..



That´s a registry ¨hack¨ so to speak. It not a by default available option. You cannot consider it as such.

And really you think that ¨technologically disabled¨ people actively go and turn off updates by chance? It was such a big problem that sth had to be done?

Saying you do not mind is a respectable opinion (i do not agree but that does not mean anything). But let us not make nonsensical excuses here.

My god ? Another everyone else is doing it? Defense. Here is were people really stand with the big Corps.

Especially in this forum that is definitely not true...The guys pushed a ¨do not buy apple¨ products T-Shirt.

Whenever someone complains about apple, there is someone ranting about how you do not complain about Microsoft.
When ever someone says sth about Microsoft you get the ¨You do not complain about Apple¨.

So every time we criticize a company we must put an asterisk stating ¨oh btw apple, google, whats up, Facebook, EA, All ISPs and Konami are still bastards¨ just so there is no misunderstanding that will invalidate the point. You see why this argument makes no sense?

Wait, you have to use a registry hack to disable updates?! You can't do it through Windows Update?! That's ridiculous!

Sarcasm or not, do you even know what autism is?

The question isn't "if" but "when." Just because they're not using it now, doesn't mean that someday Uncle LEO won't ask for access to the data.

You're right, that was an, "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to hide" defense.

It was a joke about vaccines... and yes I know full well. Unfortunately live in the epicenter of "anti-vaxxers".