ArmA III News Thread

I will be posting the DEV UPDATES from ArmA III here for you guys. 

Today is: SITREP #00089


FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Update en-route, Job opportunities, Localization


We've begun prep for the first game update of this year: version 1.38. It will mostly be a maintenance update, gathering up all improvements, optimizations and fixes since the last update. However, we're also trying to include two things that can help many of you. Before going over them, we should point out that these are risky low-level changes. We'll be testing them more before making the final call. If they resolve one issue, but cause new ones, we may send them back to the incubator.

First of all, we're updating the PhysX libraries to version 3.2.4. PhysX is used throughout the game for the physical simulation of vehicles, objects and at times, characters. It's a third-party solution, developed by our partner NVIDIA, that we and many other games are using. There are also risks associated with this middleware approach, such as crashes occurring in, what is to us, a blackbox. Our programmers often cannot trace what has caused a crash when it happens in these libraries. We then try to debug with the engineers at NVIDIA, which can result in: us implementing a work-around on our side, them updating the libraries, or the issue not being solvable for a while. Initial tests using the new update have addressed a number of common crashes, so we hope it will help with stability. Note: for now this library update is not available for Linux servers, because some distributions don't support it (but the versions are cross-compatible).

Secondly, we'll reintroduce multiplayer server optimizations that were removed from a previous update. They have the potential to help quite a lot with performance, but in their first implementation were not fully 'thread-safe'. This second iteration looks much better, so we hope to see similar results as to when we first tested it, minus the crashes!

On a musical note: pump up your volume and listed to this cool unofficial metal cover of the Arma 3 main theme by Johari!


Bohemia Interactive is often searching for new recruits to join its multiple teams and offices. For Arma 3, we are currently on the look-out for (AudioProgrammers,ArtistsAnimators and a Mastering Developer. If you're interested in contributing to the future of Arma (or our other games), go over the careers page and apply!


Localization: the act of preparing a game for the many regions of the world and languages spoken therein. We will not lie: this can be quite a frustrating task for developers. Every piece of text must be stored in a database, rather than just having literal strings in code, script, scenarios, etc. Exports from these databases are then send to translators, who send back translations and those are re-integrated into the game. Of course, if this allows more people to enjoy the game, that's a good thing! For Arma 3, the process is coordinated by Associate Producer Tomáš Bican. He is not directly embedded in the team, but part of a shared Production department and important for every big release.

Our normal process is for the team to add texts to the database whenever they are needed. At some point between the internal Alpha and Beta milestones, we then apply a Localization Lock. From this point, it is expected about 90% of the texts are final and ready for translation. The database is exported for translation, and the real fun begins. Tomáš then has to track the inevitably forgotten and fixed texts and make sure those are translated on time. He'll also need to contact developers to find out more about the context of texts for translators. A single word can mean completely different things when used in different places. Admittedly, this is where things could go better for us. We're aware that there exist, at time hilarious, linguistic errors for some languages. When he's not fixing such errors and going through the standard procedures, Tomáš is searching for better methods, extra translation agencies or investigating non-traditional approaches for the future.


The Dev-Branch for Arma 3 Tools has received a small update. You'll find a sample of an extension there as a Visual Studio 2013 project. Extensions are advanced ways of extending the game with code written in languages such as C++ or C#. One common example of their usage is communication with databases for persistent multiplayer game modes. We're also happy to report that Tools Commissar Julien Vida has now joined us on-site as a full-time team member. Bienvenue!


SITREP #00090

FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: 1.38 Release Candidates, Report In!, Vanilla or Modded?


The Release Candidate for update 1.38 has been on Steam for a few days. We've iterated it with several more fixes related to audio and inventory manipulation. If you'd like to still participate in the final stages of testing, you can switch to the RC branch using access code Arma3Update138RC. So far we're seeing increased stability (battling those PhysX crashes and other elusive instabilities). In terms of performance, our own measurements show it having increased at least slightly, but there are a few reports of dropped singleplayer frame rate. If you can reproduce a measured loss of performance between 1.36 and 1.38, please let us know. Make sure to verify your local files and defragment any non-SSD hard drive first though. It's also important to compare the situation between a vanilla version of the game and one with mods enabled. Larger scale multiplayer testing is even more interesting to us. This is something quite hard to accomplish even with our entire QA army involved. Internal tests and a few public sessions have gone well. We're currently optimistic about the update; the release window opens tomorrow afternoon (Czech Republic).


It had been a while since the last Report In! developer interview, so let's get back to it! First in line is our Mastering Lead Jan Kyncl, who we had briefly mentioned in a previous report. In his interview, he goes a little more in-depth on what it means to 'master' the game data internally, and what is involved with publishing builds to Steam. You'll also get a peek at what a day in the life of our mastering developers looks like. Having the gaming fate of hundreds of thousands of players in your hands is no trivial matter. All the more satisfying when things run smoothly!

Another look at our development environment drops in via the social channels. We've begun sharing a random weekly photo of the people and offices associated with Arma 3. Last week's photo had quite many things going on: more peripherals than arms, a vertical monitor, a fitness ball, a glimpse of unlicensed 'Arma' action figures and not least of all, QA Developer Ondřej Kužel. Stand by for this week's photo, which may or may not depict gaming-related bodily harm.


Script command productVersion was recently updated with a new Boolean value to indicate whether the game is running with any mods loaded or not (vanilla). You may have also seen small DLC and mod icons appear in various places, such as the editor's unit lists. These are all part of a larger on-going task that we've summarized as 'vanilla or modded'. The goal of this task is to better communicate to players what components make up their version of the game. Are you running the vanilla game, or are there active mods? If so, which ones and who has made them? Does this vehicle belong to the game, a mod or DLC? Is this an official or community terrain? It's questions like these that the work tries to answer in an intuitive way, while also allowing mod authors to get more visibility for their contributions.

For the sake of these features, we're treating our own DLC and mods the same for the most part. When you are designing a scenario, it may be useful to know whether a certain asset arrived in a premium DLC or an exotic addon. Players will benefit from knowing what's going on in their game, authors get credit for their work, and we can more easily determine whether an issue with the game is for us or for a modder to address. Mostly we're looking ahead to a future where obtaining and installing mods is easier, the library of mods grows even more, and running the game with mods is more likely the norm. The task is coordinated by Senior Designer Bořivoj Hlava, who we'll try to persuade to do an OPREP on this topic in the future!


Last week we discussed the field of localization. In a reply on Twitter, we were made aware of an open-source community tool to assist with translating scenario and mod projects - cool stuff!


PhysX? Well for a game that already ran heavy on CPU and bad AMD specifically there goes the rest of it. All the while PhysX does not work on Linux. Am I missing something here?

I am unsure what you are replying to

Uh? This...

First of all, we're updating the PhysX libraries to version 3.2.4. PhysX is used throughout the game for the physical simulation of vehicles, objects and at times, characters. It's a third-party solution, developed by our partner NVIDIA, that we and many other games are using. There are also risks associated with this middleware approach, such as crashes occurring in, what is to us, a blackbox. Our programmers often cannot trace what has caused a crash when it happens in these libraries. We then try to debug with the engineers at NVIDIA, which can result in: us implementing a work-around on our side, them updating the libraries, or the issue not being solvable for a while. Initial tests using the new update have addressed a number of common crashes, so we hope it will help with stability. Note: for now this library update is not available for Linux servers, because some distributions don't support it (but the versions are cross-compatible).

They even say outright that is is a blackbox that does nothing but hinder them when problems arise. Is this not the definition of insanity. Using the same thing and expecting different results.

The only thing coming to mind is that they have always been using which would explain some of the AMD CPU issues. I was coming at it that they had their own physics processing and then decided to jump on PhysX. I might be mistaken. 

EDIT: Sorry it does work now. Last I checked as well PhysX does not work native on linux. Has this changed? If not what does the game fall back to? Or do you just run it in wine. 

As far as I can tell from the research, PhysX does work on Linux with CUDA cards only. 

As far as running ArmA 3 in Linux, I have not tried that. I run that on my Gaming rig/Desktop. My Linux rig is currently my laptop which is unfortunately Anemic. I really need to replace that thing sometime soon. 

Apparently, Dean Hall spoke about possibly porting to Linux in the future (2015). He did not say Linux in specifics just using the phrase "Other Operating systems".

On January 21st, Jay Crowe of Bohemia Interactive posted a news article talking about the future of ArmA 3. I can tell you, the future looks GREAT!

I will list some of the things from the article. You can read the rest yourself.

  • Improved Audio Development
  • Improved Fixed-wing aircraft standards
  • Multiplayer optimizations focusing on servers and network traffic
  • Improved AI and AI path-finding
  • Weapon Inertia improvements


Below are points on the Marksman DLC coming up;

  • 7 new weapons: 5 rifles and 2 LMGs
  • Weapon handling
  • New attachments and ghillie suits
  • New showcase missions
  • New MP mode
  • Virtual Arsenal improved to allow testing of ALL owned and unowned content including vehicles without restritctions.
  • Weapon Stabilization
  • Weapon Resting
  • BIPODS!!!!!!
  • Audio improvement
  • AI and Recoil improvements
  • Adding MP solutions for needs like incapacitation and revival.


Platform updates:

  • Full mod support
  • Improving the experience with addons and servers
  • 3D editor is in the works finally.
  • Overhauling the server browser
  • Overhauling in0game interactions and controls and communicatons
  • Continued optimization of game and servers
  • Multi-threading
  • New Terrain: in the works.


That is all I am going to write here. Here is the link to the full article.

ArmA 3 Scanning Horizons Article


SPOTREP #00038

FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
UNIT: Main Branch
ACTIVITY: Game Update: 1.38 (PhysX library update, Multiplayer server optimizations)
SIZE: ~687 MB / ~444 MB


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • Legacy Build Steam branch is available for advanced users. It contains the previous significant main branch version (1.36). It can be used to compare specific changes between major releases. The access code for this branch is:Arma3Legacy136
  • Make Arma Not War Build branch is available for competitors and jury members. It will contain the 1.32 main branch version throughout the rest of the contest. The access code for this branch is: MakeArmaNotWar
  • You can find the servers in the Steam library (switch the filter to "Tools") - "Arma 3 Server" (based on your OS, it will download the Windows or Linux version)
    • Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780.
    • Physics simulation powered by NVIDIA® PhysX™. NVIDIA® and PhysX™ are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation and are used under license.



  • Added: Ability to prevent respawning happening at all at mission start
  • Added: Ability to toggle vision modes (night vision, thermal vision) in Virtual Arsenal by pressing N
  • Added: Missing functions into Arsenal
  • Added: "N/A" is shown over empty list boxes
  • Added: Waypoints to vehicle radar
  • Added: New hit points for the remaining Truck variants
  • Added: Author property for texture sources and animation sources
  • Added: BIS_fnc_gridToPos (based on
  • Added: New sound for opening the ramp of the Mohawk helicopter
  • Added: New animation source for opening ramp of the Mohawk helicopter
  • Added: Code performance button for the pause menu debug console. Allows checking how expensive the code in the Expression field is.
  • Added: VR Suit can now be retextured
  • Added: Accuracy stat for weapons in Arsenal
  • Added: camo3 to the sections in the ghillie suit's model config, so it can be used in the hiddenSelections property
  • Added: Showcase briefing section in MP Tanks
  • Added: An optional parameter to prevent an establishing shot from fading in when finished
  • Added: BIS_fnc_fps now saves the input into variable (BIS_fps_output)
  • Fixed: Selection camo in the BLUFOR sniper model
  • Fixed: Missing accuracy rings on moving zombie pop-up targets
  • Fixed: Double inclusion of an include file
  • Fixed: Icons of known and locked targets in the Field Manual
  • Fixed: Condition for displaying DLC indication in the Field Manual
  • Fixed: Respawn camps had an incorrect author
  • Fixed: Player is now able to exit planes after belly landings
  • Fixed: Minor discrepancy in the duty values of pistol stances (also make it slightly less demanding to move around with a pistol)
  • Fixed: Possible abrupt scenario end when a client reconnects to the game in MP Headhunters
  • Fixed: Huron (Black) RPT warnings about animation sources
  • Fixed: Upper mirrors on the Ifrit are now facing in the correct direction
  • Fixed: Some 20-30mm cannons don't damage buildings
  • Fixed: MP Bootcamp does not fail the "Engagement" task if all players are dead anymore
  • Fixed: Vermin cases fell through the shooter’s hand
  • Fixed: Small duty inconsistencies in animations
  • Fixed: Independent armored vehicles don't report warnings about their mirrors anymore
  • Fixed: ZGM 4+1 Bootcamp - Players can no longer damage the HEMMT truck within the infantry stage
  • Fixed: Animation source inheritance
  • Fixed: Configured correct damage materials for the exterior of the Civilian xH-9s
  • Fixed: BIS_fnc_gridToPos didn't accept letters above 'j'
  • Fixed: Selecting an empty insignia in Arsenal didn't remove the last selected one
  • Fixed: Voice preview in the Arsenal didn't match the selected item
  • Fixed: Security vulnerability of GUI scripts
  • Fixed: An issues where Zeus couldn't perform some object interactions (e.g. refueling a vehicle, editing content of an ammo crate)
  • Fixed: Duplicate respawn tent notifications and radio messages (
  • Fixed: Persistent on-screen text in some cases of Stage restarts in VR trainings
  • Fixed: The fuel hit point of the Hatchback wasn't working
  • Fixed: Tires of wheeled armored vehicles were not taking damage from gunfire in some situations
  • Fixed: Some Headgear items were not visible in Zeus
  • Fixed: Weapon impact stat in Arsenal was not calculated correctly
  • Fixed: Overlapping of title text and player name in the Main Menu
  • Fixed: Added missing vehicle classes to CfgPatches
  • Fixed: FV-720 Mora had wrong zeroing for higher distances (see
  • Fixed: Grid offset for VR World is now set to the correct value
  • Fixed: Wrong transition after salute
  • Fixed: Task completion in the Sling Loading VR Course
  • Fixed: Weather sync issues in Escape from Altis
  • Fixed: Step over after turning left / right with equipped launcher and performing treatment
  • Fixed: Missing treatment animation with pistol / launcher
  • Fixed: Static autonomous GMGs and HMGs now have a proper view angle in the UAV Terminal
  • Fixed: Missing sizeEx property in shortcut button
  • Fixed: Missing enableEnvironment in the Establishing Shot function
  • Fixed: DLC icons were not implemented correctly in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Sounds of the navigating helicopter animation
  • Fixed: Problem with sorting weapons using MRCO optics
  • Fixed: The color of selected items in Arsenal wasn't readable well
  • Fixed: Offroad FFV positions have proper compartments set
  • Fixed: Sprinting in Kneeled Adjusted Downwards position transition to Standing
  • Improved: New fireplace sounds
  • Improved: The on-board clock in the Mohawk is fully functional now, because time is money, pilots!
  • Improved: HEMTT, Zamak and Tempest trucks hit point configuration
  • Improved: Headgear available in the editor and Zeus is now the same as in the Virtual Arsenal
  • Changed: Second default face in Arsenal disabled
  • Changed: Combat Fatigues for Miller and Kerry have been hidden (they don’t actually use special uniforms, just generic ones)
  • Changed: Init event handler now uses call instead of execVM
  • Changed: Decreased deflecting angles of certain ammunition types because they ricocheted a bit too much
  • Changed: Color of the yellow question mark to green in MP server selection menu
  • Adjusted: Crash sounds of the Quad bike
  • Tweaked: Sounds for pistols
  • Tweaked: Stance indicator can now be positioned separately from weapon info
  • Tweaked: The non-functional engine temperature display in the Mohawk has been set to a more reasonable value so it will not scare pilots by being red all the time
  • Tweaked: Slightly decreased base deflecting values of pistol bullets
  • Tweaked: xH-9 config cleanup / refactoring
  • Tweaked: Hatchback, SUV and VAN config cleanup / refactoring
  • Tweaked: Position of get in memory points so that AI doesn't get stuck when disembarking helicopters
  • Tweaked: CfgPatches for headgear should contain the correct classes now
  • Tweaked: Huron rotors aren't visually destroyed when fully damaged by shooting. This reflects that the lift is not lost instantly, but it gradually decreases, and the helicopter falls down in an autorotation. No change in the following: when the rotors are destroyed in a collision, they stop rotating and are visually destroyed; the Huron then falls down directly. Kaboom.
  • Tweaked: Damaged body hit point of MRAPs now properly shows damage on the vehicle’s body texture. Durability of this hit point was optimized accordingly for different ammunition types. Durability specifics of the given vehicle remains unchanged.
  • Tweaked: Increased PiP resolution in AV Terminal and AV Camera
  • Tweaked: 30mm APFSDS Kamysh ammo now correctly damages MRAPs through the frontal engine buffer zone, albeit side hits are much more effective
  • Tweaked: A turret hit now cannot cause the explosion of the whole MRAP vehicle
  • Tweaked: Decreased APERS bounding mine trigger range for it was possible to trigger it through the roof / floor from another building story
  • Tweaked: Increased the maximum simulation duration (parameter: timeToLive) for long range projectiles so they are now able to actually reach the distances they could be fired for
  • Tweaked: Further increased masses for GM6 Lynx and LRR to maintain proper weight differences
  • Tweaked: Get out points for Assault Boat
  • Tweaked: Level of entry points for Speedboats
  • Tweaked: Time Trials start mechanism to reduce shaking
  • Tweaked: Re-worked Kart driving model to work as before (after the new PhysX)
  • Updated: Inventory for Huron ammo container disabled (
  • Optimized: Strider hit points to achieve more consistent hit results
  • Removed: Obsolete addon Air_F_RTD
  • Removed: Debug message in the Field Manual
  • Removed: Flame texture animation in health feedback systems

Potential spoilers

  • Fixed: The “Obtain AA Launcher" task is no longer marked as completed if the player destroyed the helicopter by other means in Showcase SCUBA
  • Fixed: Diplomatic Relations - weapons no longer appear beneath tables


  • Added: New commands for getting all controls from inside a display as well as all displays registered in-engine
  • Added: New command for getting list of all variables from given namespace (allVariables)
  • Added: Enabling mods report in retail (RPT)
  • Added: Buldozer - Ability to lock elevation of objects during terrain sculpting
  • Added: command turretOwner
  • Added: Missing getters for object variables
  • Added: New script commands - getObjectTexturesgetObjectMaterials
  • Added: ComboBox and ListBox UI controls are now able to show a secondary icon
  • Added: Waypoints, custom waypoints and assigned targets to the radar
  • Added: Secondary text for listbox / combobox items, additional script function for managing new texts
  • Added: Detection of the source mod / DLC for config classes
  • Added: New animation source for lowering and raising of turrets (player controls not yet configured)
  • Added: Logging of extensions used in the game
  • Added: Mod / DLC icons for terrain selections
  • Added: Mod / DLC icons in the add module display (editor)
  • Fixed: Player ejected into the air when starting movement after a get out animation is initiated
  • Fixed: Cursor following the weapon when reloading [FFV]
  • Fixed: Wrong animation after ejecting from a jet with small height
  • Fixed: 2 x Ctrl now works in crouched pistol stance
  • Fixed: Possible crash on Altis caused by the wrong position transformation of the coordinate system
  • Fixed: customMods flag
  • Fixed: Possible crash in calculating normals
  • Fixed: Model property reading (buoyancy, reversed)
  • Fixed: respawnAtPlace so it is not getting a dead soldier out of a vehicle where he died
  • Fixed: Removed drawing of obsolete custom waypoints
  • Fixed: Sound: Avoid XA2 effect memory leaks, and updated the effect interface
  • Fixed: Available space in Steam Cloud storage is not counted correctly
  • Fixed: Potential CTD when using switchMove on gestures
  • Fixed: Vehicle mouse steering is not influenced by vehicle speed
  • Fixed: Missing implementation of ordered cargo positions in scripting commandlockedCargo
  • Fixed: PhysX static weapons are not ‘sleeping’
  • Fixed: Static assertion in the Linux build
  • Fixed: Incorrect reading of colors for roads
  • Fixed: Small dot drawn on the top of the screen when the compass is shown and a custom waypoint is set
  • Fixed: Defective client IP check in loopback mode
  • Hotfixed: Video texture mipmaps
  • Fixed: Localized string in controller customization
  • Fixed: A problem with MP prediction when a client lags too much in a cargo position and a related potential crash
  • Fixed: Camera shake diagnostics
  • Fixed: Crash in land clutter rendering
  • Fixed: Problem with MP synchronization of living characters in ragdoll
  • Fixed: Inability to get in a Slammer after it had a full cargo compartment
  • Fixed: A problem with remote vehicle suspension being under building shapes
  • Fixed: Missing published items in the publishing window (
  • Fixed: -mod parameter load order
  • Fixed: Diag modules are cleared before INIT scripts are called on units
  • Fixed: G-force camera shake is now present even when the engine is off
  • Fixed: G-force camera shake is now applied to all units in a vehicle, not just its commander
  • Fixed: Camera shake from passing vehicles when a player is in freefall
  • Fixed: An issue where AI would not respect objects, which were rotated usingsetDir, in the computation of pathfinding
  • Fixed: AI ordered to get in a vehicle will do that after disembarking the current vehicle instead of only disembarking
  • Fixed: Restricted possibility to gain control over another player's unit by usingselectPlayer or remoteControl commands
  • Fixed: Key blocked by script is blocked even if held for a while
  • Fixed: RoadsLib.cfg was not changing roads after a change of landscape
  • Fixed: CTD while accessing a non-existent brain
  • Fixed: Use of vehicleInCoef for mine detection
  • Fixed: AI running away after a Get Out waypoint at specific locations
  • Fixed: Local WRP & road shapes don't work together
  • Fixed: Reporting wrong PhysX onContacts
  • Fixed: Check for a null shape (possible CTD)
  • Fixed: Use of surfaceDeflectionCoef
  • Fixed: CTD when accessing a null pointer when working with magazines
  • Fixed: LeaderCandidate selection
  • Fixed: Headless Client units were laggy
  • Fixed: Problem with rocks under roads
  • Fixed: Correct mod / DLC icon order in the main menu
  • Fixed: Linux build with older PhysX version
  • Fixed: (Short) holding of a key caused an action to trigger multiple times
  • Fixed: AI door gunner unable to engage targets that the pilot didn't see
  • Fixed: Medics lost the ability to heal when a target was teleported
  • Fixed: Server crash in tier0_s.dll
  • Fixed: Local client connections aren't disconnected
  • Fixed: Crash in SteamLayer
  • Fixed: Scenarios were present in the addon list
  • Fixed: Problem with restarting Dedicated Server breaking for some clients
  • Fixed: switchMove "" now resets animations again
  • Fixed: Cannot interact with items in a teammate's backpack
  • Fixed: Squad AI inventory locked
  • Fixed: Loading mod icon from the mod path; showing mod icons in the editor only for mods visible in the main menu
  • Changed: Moved NetworkServer send messages to a different thread
  • Changed: Configuration of camera shake caused by damage was moved to config files
  • Changed: The defaultMod flag so it works correctly even with the -mod parameter
  • Changed: configProperties - last two parameters are optional now
  • Changed: AddXYZWeaponItem, RemoveXYZWeaponItem should support also magazines
  • Changed: Removed contributed items from the Publisher's published items list (Editor)
  • Changed: Re-factored loading of mod configs, added loading of default values from a mod baseclass
  • Changed: Set building Linux with PhysX 3.2.4
  • Changed: FPS cheat limited for public versions
  • Tweaked: Better and faster tracing of fire sectors (optimization)
  • Tweaked: Formating of the MP strings statistics
  • Tweaked: Sound: Optimized distant vehicle simulation
  • Tweaked: Lowered the limit when shared system memory is used
  • Tweaked: Cleanup of unused technology in physics
  • Tweaked: Small physics optimizations
  • Tweaked: Ongoing netcode optimizations
  • Tweaked: Clean up of certain Steam implementations on game shutdown
  • Tweaked: Engine code refactoring and maintenance
  • Tweaked: Changed parts of MP prediction to lower bad positions and position jumping
  • Tweaked: Create standard helicopter flight model if RotorLib is disabled
  • Tweaked: Minor change to local message deltaT
  • Tweaked: Removed HC feature macros (cleanup)
  • Tweaked: Windows error message formatting unified
  • Tweaked: Sound: Sync breathing with gun movement
  • Tweaked: Waiting for the send message thread before calling extensions
  • Tweaked: Minimal message time prediction delta
  • Tweaked: Proper filter for grenade collision contacts
  • Tweaked: Sound: Updated breathing start condition
  • Improved: FFV interpolation
  • Improved: First part of script event handlers refactoring and fix of an issue where removing an event also reindexed others behind it
  • Improved: Possibility to command AI to get in personTurrets and cargo separately [FFV]
  • Improved: Optimizations of swimming state handling so it is not calculated when you are not near water
  • Improved: Mods have been refactored so we can add new types of mods more easily
  • Improved: More exact near water detection for some sub-routines
  • Improved: LZO Pro now uses safe decompression routines
  • Improved: Re-factoring send messages server thread locks
  • Improved: Re-factor PhysX simulation thread locks
  • Improved: SteamLayer is able to read config.bin directly
  • Improved: PhysX updated from 3.2.4 to 3.3.2
  • Improved: Model (P3D file) pipeline:
    • The object's data (geometry and animations) is reversed right after P3D file load (original data)
    • No more reverse operations at game run-time
  • Improved: Load string table from all addons before parsing configs
  • Improved: Increased memory allocator limits for AnimationContext
  • Improved: Refactored context menu so it is using enum instead of macros
  • Improved: Road binarization
  • Updated: Steam SDK to v1.31
  • Disabled: Placing and interaction with mines in personTurrets [FFV]
  • Optimized: Removed an unnecessary parameter from AIBrain
  • Removed: handleScore being issued by addScore from scripts
  • Removed: Scripting commands to modify values that can be changed withdiag_MergeConfigFile
  • Moved closing of SendMessages thread before Battleye closes


  • Fixed: Parameters with multiple visual representations are no longer duplicated in Arma’s command line
  • Fixed: Error message box wasn't displayed when user attempted to add invalid local mods and specific conditions were met
  • Fixed: Removed unnecessary quotes from the pre-requirements check message
  • Fixed: Arrow in addon sort icon looked bad
  • Fixed: Concurrent logging and async preview image update could cause a handled exception to appear in the log
  • Fixed: Exclusion of Steam mods from Local extension storage didn't work as intended
  • Fixed: Folder watcher was not updated after a custom profile folder was changed
  • Fixed: LES may crash while composing list of local addons withUnauthorizedAccessException: Access to path is denied
  • Fixed: Update button visibility converter may cause CTD
  • Fixed: File download continued when an item was unsubscribed from Steam Workshop
  • Fixed: Invoking a keyboard shortcut for Play caused a CTD
  • Fixed: Unsubscribing a mod from Steam Workshop caused the mod to be listed as a local mod under specific circumstances
  • Fixed: Null-pointer exception
  • Fixed: Launcher was not recognizing unsubscribing of all items if they were unsubscribed when launcher was not running
  • Fixed: Custom mod descriptors weren't removed correctly fromLocalExtensionStorage (LES) caches when the excluded files list was updated
  • Hotfixed: Prevent localization container from localizing a value with null or an (strictly) empty value
  • Added: Support for EBO local mods; Launcher now accepts local mods with extension '?bo'
  • Added: Some commands now use Steam client instead of a web browser to display Steam pages (Open Steam addon web page, Add Steam addon, Add Steam mod). This feature is controlled by a checkbox in the Options (and can be deactivated there).
  • Added: Bohemia Interactive logo is now clickable and opens the company web page
  • Added: References to localized strings for the big update button / repair button styles
  • Added: Localization for 1.36
  • Added: Click on the Play button now temporary disables the Play button for a brief period of time (1 second) to prevent users from launching the game twice when they double-click on this button
  • Modified: Subscribe / Add mod buttons moved to bottom of the window
  • Modified: English strings updated after proofreading them
  • Modified: Adjusting position of Bohemia Interactive logo to align it with the Add / Subscribe mod buttons
  • Modified: Steam download manager now uses a new file system helper
  • Modified: Decoupled code interface and implementation of profile loader
  • Modified: Hides text label "Mod" from the Subscribe Mod from the Steam Workshop button
  • Changed: Logging for SteamLayer disabled by default since it's quite heavy
  • Improved: DLL load error handling


  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.38)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.38)
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;dlcbundle to your arma3server.exe shortcut

SITREP #00091

FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Road map 2015, 33 things trailer, Weapon SFX


Quite a bit has happened since last week's report, in a good way, we think! After rolling update 1.38 out the door, Creative Brit Jay Crowe summed up our 2015 plans for Arma 3 in his "Scanning the Horizon" blog. Summarizing it with just:#BIPODS wouldn't do it justice, but that is one major thing to take away from it. Another big reveal was the acknowledgement that work on a 3D scenario editor has started in earnest. Do take the time to read the full blog though. The first half takes a look back at 2014 and the accomplishments of that year. The rest describes more of our efforts for this year: the first Marksmen DLC details, concept art for one of its seven new weapons, weapon handling features, the ability to try vehicles in Virtual Reality Arsenal, other platform updates, a little about the expansion terrain, and more.


We are proud of Arma 3, and some times we indulge ourselves and boast a little. A new trailer was commissioned to take a look at 33 things that set Arma apart from other games. 33 things which make it unique and particularly impressive. If you are reading this report, chances are you knew all of them already. That's fine; we've aimed it at those people who do not yet know the game, the platform and the community supporting it. Enjoy the return of The Voice!

There is another video (unofficial) we'd like to draw your attention to. Cinema Video Recording produced a stunning piece that showcases the combined arms warfare in Arma 3 brilliantly. Great job to everyone involved!

The 3D scenario editor mentioned in the blog, is being developed by the same dynamic duo that brought you Zeus. As you might have guessed, quite a bit of the foundations for that project, now benefit this editor (camera controls, parts of the interface, etc.). One of these developers is programmer Filip Sádovský. Last week's random photo shows the risk of LAN parties. Filip managed to injure his neck after falling asleep during a 40-hour gaming session. Fret not, he'll be fine and is excited to be working on a prototype for the new editor!

Now for a more serious caution: please be careful when using unofficial and unsupported tweaks to enhance Arma 3's performance. It's natural to want to get the game running as best as possible, but we cannot account for every method that is out there. For example, a particular registry tweak and the use of custom memory allocators, have prevented some users from starting the game after the 1.38 update (until they disabled the tweak). We are not deliberately sabotaging such efforts, and may even look for ways to let them work, but we cannot guarantee that. If you do encounter problems like instabilities, please first check that it's also the case without such changes. Some general tips for increased performance: use up-to-date drivers for your hardware, run the game from SSD if available, defragment non-SSD drives after updates and occasionally run local file verifications via Steam.


The audio team has published an overhaul of many weapon sound effects toDev-Branch. Audio Lead Jan Dušek and Audio Designer Kryštof Havel have written an OPREP to go over the details with you. Find out how these changes benefit the game now and how they prepare the soundscape for more changes down the line.

It may be worthwhile to remind everyone how our approach to DLC has been and will be: the features that we are developing for Marksmen DLC, will be free to everyone with Arma 3 (arriving in a platform update). So, weapon stabilization (resting and deployment) will be coming to everyone and can be used on existing weapons. User-made weapons can also be updated to support the technologies for anyone. The new weapons themselves are considered premium and are subject to the notifications and restrictions you have seen on the starter pistol inKarts DLC. We have further developed those systems to better communicate to you which weapons are considered part of what DLC / mod (in your inventory for example). And as a direct result from the responses in our DLC survey, we'll make VR Arsenal a part of the game where everyone (regardless of owning DLC) can try premium content without restrictions. That means using weapons and crewing vehicles as if you own them, in that mode only.


Did you miss update 1.38's change log? Have a look at the SPOTREP as well as the TECHREP for Arma 3 Tools. On release day, there were some issues in the free stand-alone Dedicated Server for Linux. The wrong Steam libraries were linked. This was quickly corrected and should now be working for admins. There also is a group of players who have encountered a Steam error 81. We believe this may be related to certain anti-virus packages, and are working with Valve engineers to resolve it.

SITREP #00092

FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Dev-Branch activity, Server monetization, Make Arma Not War finalists


Dev-Branch is starting to receive its early glimpses of Marksmen DLC work. The first wave of features going live for testing and tweaking are Firing From Vehicles Inertia and Turret Elevation. The former is more of an enrichment of a feature from Helicopters DLC of course, but we think it improves the feeling of using personal weapons from cargo spaces. The goal is to better translate the movement of the vehicle onto the shooter. We may yet be fiddling with the precise parameters that control the intensity of the feature, though a first iteration is ready for testing now. The second feature allows players to control the elevation of a turret, in addition to the usual rotation. The specific example here is the Strider armored car, which has a commander periscope that now can be raised and lowered to sneak a peek from behind concealment. Over the next weeks we'll probably be staging more Marksmen features to Dev-Branch, such as the improved Recoil and Weapon Resting.


Bohemia Interactive has announced a trial for limited Arma 3 server monetization rules that will run for a year. Visit the website for a description of the rules and an overview of approved servers. This overview can also be used to report servers that are exploiting loopholes or otherwise not acting in the best interests of the community. After its announcement, there was some heated discussion about these rules. We realize not everyone likes money getting involved at all, or who have other concerns about this direction. However, some of the discussion was based on incorrect information. For example, under this arrangement, there is no percentage of monetized server income going to us. These rules also do not make it OK to use and monetize content made by third parties without proper permission. We cannot get involved in Intellectual Property disputes between third parties, but we can take away these permissions from a server previously accepted. We ask all of our community members to treat each other with respect. If a piece of content is not distributed under clear license that would allow it to be used, be sure to pursue permission first. That is the only way to achieve a long-term successful community, server or mod. Various questions on the topic have already been asked and answered in this forums thread. We are in the process of gathering more common questions, so that we can publish a F.A.Q. on the topic.

The 50 finalists of the Make Arma Not War contest have been revealed! Check out video overviews for the four categories: singleplayer game modemultiplayer game modeaddon and total modification. The finalists were selected based on the criteria laid out in the rules. For example, entries that violated copyright, used third-party content without permission, or otherwise could not be selected, had to be dismissed. The remaining entries were evaluated on factors like technical quality, originality, experience and presentation. Now it's up to the jury to pick the winners. We'll be announcing the members of that jury shortly. We'd like to thank everyone for participating, and to congratulate all finalists on making it this far! The rest of us can recognize the finalists on the forums by their unique medal(s).

This week's random dev photo comes to us from the Brno office, occupied by Team Bravo, as we code named them. It shows their 'Weekly Fruit Kick-off'. This is the very first thing they do every Monday morning. Supported by an overdose of healthy vitamins, all developers get together and share their progress and plans. They show each other screenshots of new artwork, short videos of work-in-progress technologies, interesting community efforts, and more.


It's not quite ready for Dev-Branch yet, but let's take a quick look at Weapon Deployment and why it's actually a rather complex feature to implement properly. There are several aspects that our programmers have been working on hard, and which are now on the right track. We wanted to find reasonable solutions before we committed to the feature. The first one is an algorithm to detect appropriate deployment spots (and similarly to detect surfaces that Weapon Resting can be used for). We decided early on that a data-driven approach was not acceptable. Such approach would have meant preparing all assets and other surfaces in the game and tell the engine where you can deploy. Imagine adding 3D positions (memory points) to walls or buildings for example. That would take a very long time, and also mean that modders would need to do the same. The benefit could be that there is very precise control over good deployment positions. We opted for a real-time algorithm that can detect positions on official and custom objects alike. The detection still needs work, but we're optimistic we can cover the majority of spots well enough.

Another aspect is the animation system. We needed to solve the player rotating around a fixed pivot point (where the bipods are connected to a surface). This is something we wanted to visualize as best as we can given the animation technology available in Arma 3 (given feasible improvements). One example to imagine the challenge is the player standing behind a wall, with the weapon resting on the wall. If the player now aims the weapon up, we want his posture to change to accommodate (i.e. the player should enter a sort of crouch). Finally, we have backward-compatibility to consider so we cannot do everything the way we'd do in a new project. Old weapons should be made ready for bipods with as little effort as possible, and at the very least not be broken. We're sure there will be an OPREP discussing more details in the near future.


Scripters should be aware of changes to the setOwner command taking place onDev-Branch. This command was intended for static objects; not for individual AI units. It does not fully work when doing so (it only transfers part of the locality, but not the AI brain - except in the case of agents). This is still the case, but using the command in the unintended way will now show an on-screen warning to scripters. New commands setGroupOwner and getGroupOwner were introduced by programmer Richard Biely to manipulate the locality of groups properly.