Arma 3 Online setting's

Just to be clear even offline, this game need's to be on a SSD.

This game need's setting up correctly in the config file and have a option making differnce between online and offline setting's -.

PlayerProfile config -
mouseSmoothing=0 not 5
Arma 3 config -
GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 not 1000.

Also whilst you're their you may aswell do you Field Of View setting in the config.,A3.htm

This is what I call standerd / high setting's for online play for arma 3.
Server's only allow up to 1600 - 1600 Overall - Object distance, but personally I keep Overall 1600- Object around 1100 due to town's can be a arss for fps and for god take turn off HeadBob in option's - Game.
Sampling 100% no less or more,Texture on high - ultra, Object = Normal - high, Terrain = low, Shadow/Cloud = disable, Partials = low, PIP= standerd - Low - Disabled, Dynamic-lights = ultra, HDR standerd = highest.
Everything else just turn off like AA, AO, V sync - DOF- water stuff and what not.
Use Nivida Inspector to put a frame cap to your monitor refresh rate e.g 60MHz = 59.7

For AMD user's I think their is anthor way to frame cap on Crimson.

Feel free to question anything.