Hello. As the title says, I'm building a rig to play Arma 3. I would like to ask your advice on specific components, especially if you have experience with playing the game in highest possible settings. I will include all info below. Thanks, in advance, for your input.
So my main goals are:
1) To play Arma 3 online in ultra settings (which are the highest possible settings) and I would like to get 60+ fps. The rig itself should be capable of higher fps but online severs often just won't allow for more.
2) I would like to stream to Twitch.tv while playing Arma 3 on ultra settings and sometimes record gameplay to my computer at 1080p.
My budget is $1,200-$1,500, before shipping. If I can achieve my goals with this build for $1,200 that would be great but if I need to add that extra $300 then I will do what it takes! I do NOT need a monitor, mouse or keyboard.
Approximate Purchase Date: As soon as possible, ideally this week
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Arma 3! I don't play many other titles.
Parts to Upgrade: I am starting from scratch so I need ALL the necessary parts from A-Z.
OS: Yes, I'm thinking Windows 8 but open to suggestions if some of you think Windows 7 is a better choice.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: NCIX.com - I live in Canada so I would like to buy from a Canadian website. If you know a better/cheaper website in Canada, I would buy from it as long as they are reliable.
Location: I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Overclocking: Maybe.
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe.
Monitor Resolution: My resolution will be 1080p unless I can find a decent 27" monitor that displays 2560x1440 with a high refresh rate.
Additional Comments: I would like a build that can be upgraded, since 4k resolution is around the corner it would be nice if this rig can get me there through upgrading certain parts. I'm also thinking of buying 3 1080p monitors down the line so if it's possible with this rig and some upgrades that would be great too.
I'm upgrading because my current rig just doesn't perform to the level I would like. I sure do love my Arma 3 and I would like to enjoy it to it's full potential.
Okay, thanks for reading through and I hope you guys have some good builds in mind for me to look into!