Ari builds a supercomputer(?)/ Pile of garbage

Excuse me if I ramble I am stoned as shit rn.

I’m scared I’m going to kill my 50ft rn honestly. I can’t afford new, and I’m not fucking around every other day to see if there are any. I honestly might set up conduit for the hell of it. But that’s rough draft thinking atm.

I wish laptop nics could be adopted to desktops like the wifi cards.

Why the curiosity about the mac?


Might be an idea to find something to tack it to the outside wall, would be less effort/cost than cabling and will keep it safer than if it’s just dangling. I have no idea what these are actually called but I’ve used them for cabling jobs before and they work well:


The curiosity about the mac mostly comes from the fact that I love the OG mac pro design (I’ve gutted a PowerMac G5 and turned it into an ATX PC case before, that was a fun project) and the fact that I’ve never ever seen anyone use one for routing before - just thought that was amusing.

I find it amusing no one actually tries to use old hardware. If it wasn’t this my optimal machine would have been an optiplex I had a while back.

Shame about the G5 tho lol.

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Well, I do tend to keep old hardware around (still actively using a few CRTs, for example, and been messing around with reviving some of my early PCs from the 32bit era), but I also am the one paying the power bill. So yeah, that’s been a bit of a consideration for me as well for stuff that runs 24/7 :wink:

Hoping to get solar panels eventually so I can start caring a little less, but well, we’re not there yet…

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I personally would avoid solar but I live in Michigan where if it isn’t windy you might be having a stroke.

Good luck tho.

I understand. My house before the move was very similar I mean worse than that picture. I’m thankfully not entirely in that situation now.

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I intend to move away as I cannot stand the rest of the house, but atm have no choice but to be here. So I can at least make my area of the house nice and not let them fuck with it.


Have to do what ya can. Make it yours.

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There we go. It’s like I’m doing what I wanted to do in my room when I was 9 lol


Looks a lot better! But still ways to go for minimalism. :slight_smile:

I would set up a rule; everything has a place or out it goes! Also, no duplicate items of anything unless that fills a purpose, e.g. I see you have two TVs there, one would be enough (if any).

I would probably put bookshelves or a console shelves system covering that wall from window, through the corner and the other window, it helps so much with storage. Depends on what materials and / or budget you have access to, though. :slight_smile:

Keep it up!


My Mom is a hoarder, its rough.

A buddy has a method that has kept him de-cluttered for decades. If there is something he doesn’t use for 6 months- its gone. Sell it, toss it, whatever. Obviously some things get an exception like birth cert etc.

Next is having duplicate somethings.

I’m trying to cut off being a second generation hoarder myself- its not easy but its liberating to have only a few things. I’m tempted to go scorched earth and over a weekend really flush things out.

Keep pressing on, one step at a time. Lots of motivating youtube channels of minimalists.


Each tv is used. The big tv is literally the one I always wanted, the small one is a nice color RF tube I can use for a timex 2000, an intellivision, and somewhere a 7200.

While this may sound dumb, this sis a 720p widescreen crt that I can use for csgaming. I don’t have ability to do RF modulator on the big screen, or I would absolutely ditch the little tv. It’s in the god damn way.

Trust me I’m out of the hoarder mind set. I’m trying to find ppl to give my machines away to because atp no one will buy them. Been trying to sell them on the forum since I got myself out of it but no bites.

We’re looking at moving stuff around. Stuff may not even be where it is lol.

Also minimalism doesn’t work when you work in as many fields as I do. I don’t do only computer stuff, that’s just the only thing I share here.

Is the house owned by your folks?
Might you be able to put a bunch of shelves up on the walls between the windows, and then move stuff up from the floor/low tables.desks.high tables…

So instead of storing horizontally, using the vertical space?

Obviously you have a bunch of draw sets, and some storage bins, but something unified might be more efficient? even if it is just old re-purposed planks on angles irons from lowes?

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Actually behind me in that picture is quite literally storage to the cieling.

Another great storage is used file cabinets. I find them free on kijiji and craigslist frequently. I use them for tools and car parts as the slides are very heavy duty. Paper is HEAVY.

I’d rather not be a lemony snicket character

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I’m not sure how those castors are holding but fuck it good enough

There now it’s all together

I’m still surprised by these castors

Breaker doesn’t trip. It’ll run fine.


Ok just for the house in general but I got a replacement switch for my one that may or may not be hacked. It was acting weird, I don’t trust it, got a new one. It’ll be fine.


Oh my god look at this ungodly behemoth

Found my server rack I think, don’t wanna buy it yet tho… It’s 18U but actually it’s the size I was thinking of. And it’s RIGHT HERE. It’d get shit stored better… Just can I get it up the stairs?

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Home now. I want to do the shit to the network I’ve been meaning to for years now. For starts, the modem is going in the attic with the god damn rack. That’s just happening. It’s out of the way, no one has to fuck with it but me, so it’s fine. I went and got more coax and I’m just going to run a line up the side of the house. Eventually I have decided I will do a wire conduit so nothing looks horrible. Then oi can punch wireports in if I want, but what it’ll result in is no having to rip up walls. A plus.

Looking at this rn

I know it’s great isn’t it.

This was my old rack for a short while. It was meant to go in the attic and the room it’s in now be cleaned up as it had damage in the roof. Well, now I’m just bloody doing it and getting it over with and not caring.

I have some coax bridges somewhere, so I’ll put something together and run it. The signal coming in is so strong I’m not really worried about line drop.

More in a bit.