Are you a US Political Ad Campain? Follow up to Qain Linux Vlog

Personally, I made the switch to Linux because it suits my needs on my home computer--its safe and secure--and I am choosing to support Linux gaming platform.

As this subforum has picked up steam, we are seeing those people @DeusQain is talking about in his vlog. I think a great relation can be made with other aspects in our society with zealots. These people do lose sight of why they do what they do and why they believe in what they believe. They lose themselves in it and live in essentially a proxy life. This video serves a great reminder to ground yourself in who you really are, not what you have become.

Edit: Eengrish


Meh. Haters gonna hate. Butt hurters gonna but hurt.

RMS has a slight right to be butt hurt simply because he was developing the software at the time linus was developing kernel. The two sort of met in the middle. Linux would not have existed without the gnu ecosystem and vice versa. But I think the reason why RMS is so annoyed is because he was the one who originally set out to try and change the world. He invested his heart and soul into making an environment that was free and open. Linus was just some kid who wanted to do something fun. To see some kids name (not a kid anymore obviously) engulf the platform that you were using to try and better the world can be a little bit disheartening.

I think the whole RMS thing has gone wayyyyyy out of proportion though. A lot of people love him too much and a lot of other people hate him too much. He is just a human being who has done a lot of the computing world. He is a little bit crazy, but I think at the end of the day he is just trying to make the world a better place and I really can't fault him for it.

As for everything else Qain said. Meh.

As much as I agree with him, the only thing you can really do is pound sand.

Trolls are just going to be stupid trolls. Clearly these people do not know about dual booting. No one has to choose 1 thing.

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Use what you want is right for sure! RMS I think, cares less about the actual software and computing involved and more about the freedoms and politics.

Yeah, I agree. If you try to convince the world that Linux is for them, they'll shit on Linux when it isn't.

The best thing you can do for the Free Software world is make the software better. Write code, submit reports, even just help new users who already want to get into it. Some of us (maybe a lot) use Linux for reasons other than it being the best tool for the work we want to do, but a lot of people don't care, and if we want those people to use our platform, we've got to enable them by having the best tools. I love Free Software, but I'll use a good proprietary solution over a shitty Free one in almost all cases.

The video asks for corrections, so here's what jumped out at me.

ZFS is licensed under the CDDL, not a BSD license.
XNU (the OS X kernel) is not a microkernel but a monolithic (or hybrid for you hipsters out there) kernel just like the other popular kernels.

I hope that videos like this and the videos here on Tek Syndicate continue to spark that flame of curiosity in people. I applaud the work these guys are doing, it really does make the world a better place in my eyes.

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I think this is the beauty of it. To create something mainly just for fun and when people actually like it, build it into something bigger. I wish people could be more happy for other peoples seemingly random success. And I do think RMS is happy that linux etc do exist. He's just quite bad at communication/socialization.

I think it would be wonderful if most code where written out of the joy of creating something rather than the drudgery of "I get paid to do this so I do it". We'll probably get much better stuff in the end. Sure when projects grows you need proper organization and maintenance etc, but that is not the heart of it. Besides if a project grows a bit there are more people to help out with that.

Joy of creation. What a world it could be. Instead of kids leaving bags of burning dog shit on your front porch. That's what I think when I see all the trolling on forums etc. Kids with nothing better to do but stir up crap and make a mess. There is better things to do, we just have to show them that.

I love linux but gaming on it is nowhere near as good as I want it to be, so I use windows instead. Dual booting is a pain in the ass too.

Qain knows what's up, unlike the arm-chair experts that love to wave their dicks around.

I love how careful TS staff is about this matter lolz... bullying is so real in the US, people are really afraid... good on Qain to make a blog criticising the "us vs them" behaviour.

Fair suck of the sauce bottle their mate;

It's not about a simple "us vs them" mentality,. It's just about certain stubborn people who are blindly conditioned to think in an unrealistic obstinate manner - being totally fanatical and one sided in their opinion.

These people aren't able to articulate why their favourite distro is good without taking a dig out of other distros/operating-systems/applications etc. The same could be said about these people speculating against things they have absolutlely zero knowledge or experience of/in.

It's also about using certain technologies to serve a purpose despite whatever shortcomings they may have. Most tech users get it - some don't.

and just like steve the super villain says, i don't see why most people don't run linux, thank god they don't, because they would all be super villains wouldn't they, ha ha. -- then it says, switch to, uh, whatever the 'heck' you want.

i had no idea of how prophetic that cartoon would be. lawl.

i've been using personal computers for over 30 years and cut my teeth on unix with vms on a vax system, but no one has all the answers. that's why we help one another. i'm still struggling with sed and awk for pete's sake. it's a good thing pete didn't need me to completely get it or he would be in an awful mess by now.

so have fun and as steve says, use whatever the heck ya want to make something cool. gorgeous fembots with a penchant for evil, beowulf super cluster of atomic supermen, orbiting brain lasers. ya know the good stuff.

only the Sith deals is absolutes