You can do it, just save your pennies for the right hardware, and choose your distro wisely, while I'm sure any Linux distro will work it seems to be much easier on versions that use the 4.x kernel like Fedora, Arch and openSuse. The only legit version of Windows I have is 7 , I might try a new version (win8.1) if I come across a game that won't play on 7 and I guess the deciding factor will be Fallout 4 when it comes out in November but I can't imagine Bethesda not supporting Win7 but stranger things have happen.
I think I may switch over to Fedora. I plan to get the LFCE or LFCS (can't decide) certification in November or December and Fedora looks perfect for that.
Will not do you any good. Prepare to be herded.
I read that a major update (Service pack maybe[?] ) might be out in October.
I've noticed Carey Holzman still installs Win 7 Pro on his clients pc builds.
I will (at some point) use Linux; perhaps in a VM? But I feel that its still going to take some time until the OS is 100% rock solid!
That is kind of an old monitor isn't. That resolution kind of jives with what i remember from those days.
That's what I thought when I watched the video!
If you windows 10 pro you can control the updates. That what I have (Win10 pro).
If you are a windows 7 fan just jump straight to 10 it's a marginal improvement on 8.1 and its more similar to 7 than 8 or 8.1 was.