Are these the same?

Hi I've been looking around for a lower price for an asus Z97-pro motherboard and I found one that looks like it, but I'm not sure if its a different model that is lower quality, could someone confirm that the mother board is similar to each other? Theirs only twenty in stock in amazon and I would like to purchase it before their all gone.

this is the motherboard that I want

and this the motherboard on amazon that is cheaper then newegg


No just look at the title of the motherboards, they have slightly different specs and feature sets.

here is neweggs


Nope. The model you want is called "Asus Z97-PRO" Search for that on Amazon. The A Model and Pro Models are Different but Aesthetically they look almost identical.

The Z97-PRO and Z97-A are two different boards:

Here's the Z97-Pro:

Here's the Z97-A:


If you run the Asus comparison tool you'll see there's a few more bells and whistles on the PRO but they're base specs are very similar.  The Z97-A does have some advantages in some areas though (the PRO doesn't support quad AMD cards, where the -A does, but they both support quad nvidia.)

Thanks you guys I appreciate your feedback. I searched the z97-pro on amazon and that popped up. I thought it was a bit fishy because it didn't have the same title as the one on newegg and I didn't feel fully feel that they were the same, but the looked the same and I couldn't seem much detail about the motherboard on amazon like newegg, thanks again you guys!