Are these temps ok? i7 4790k

I'v just reinstalled my h100i with my 4790k and I wanted to know if these temps are OK because I'm paranoid that I didn't put the paste on right lol. While running the blend test with prime 95 I'm getting around 75 degrees, maxing out at 80-81. Are these temps OK for a i7 4790k at stock clock with a h100i, also how long do you guys recommend running the stress test for?

85+ is where i would start to worry but the chips thermal throttle to prevent damage. So technically 75-80 is OK, however that still sounds very warm for a stock clock and an h100. The highest I have seen on mine is 65C under prime95. Generally you want to let prime run for 30-45min to see what your max temps are going to look like. 

There are a few things to consider checking:

-bad mount/too much/too little thermal paste

-what fans are you using and how are you controlling them? are they running at full speed while your running prime?

-are the fans on the h100 positioned in such a way that they are fighting your other case fans for air?

- what thermal paste did you use?


Edit: Here is a review where they are using a H105 with a 4790k. Max stock temps were 66C

Thanks, I used some cooler master paste but I just ordered some mx4, also I didn't use 90% alcohol to clean it because I don't have any but I have ordered some as well.

The fans ramp up when the stress test is running so I think they are ok

I'm using the ones that come with the h100i

they are positioned at the top and I have two 120mil fans on the front as well

I think it may be mounted wrong some people recommended the 'washer trick' do you think its worth trying?

Also would it be ok to run my computer like this for a while until my stuff comes? its only at 35-40 when doing light work and 50-60 when gaming.


Prime95 is a worst case scenario for heat, so You will be fine just using the computer normally as you will probably not hit 100% cpu for extended periods. One other thing I forgot to mention is your ambient room temperature, obviously the hotter it is in your room the higher the temps will be on your pc. I live in phoenix and during the summer here its absurdly hot so my pc is several degrees warmer generally during the summer months

However, at stock clocks, an H100i should be able to cool that i7-4790k much better.  A repaste/reseat would help, although his current temps won't kill anything in his computer.

thanks guys, I ended up getting some washers for the backplate which improved the temps by about 5 degrees, still too high but I'v ordered some new paste so i'll give that a try.

does anyone know the correct amount of paste for a 4790k? I normally use a pea sized dot in the middle, but if anyone could find a picture of some that would be really helpful.

also @SomeTechNoob -  yup I said the same initially

Artic silver recommends the line method for intel 47xx.

But i personaly dont realy see the diffrence between the line or the pie method. in terms of spreading.

Thanks everyone, the mx4 paste is due today along with the cleaning fluid so im going to give it a try and I'll post the results.


What do you think I should use the mx4 paste or the one that comes with the arctic silver fluid?

Mx4 should be fine.

Ok I replaced the paste and mounted it again with the pea method, I used AIDA64 to stress test it, unfortunately I didn't use it to stress test it before I replaced it so I can't compare the results. Here's a screenshot, they seem ok now compared to the prime 95 testing before I replaced it.

While gaming I hit around 50 in Chivalry, which I think is quite a CPU intensive game, also in rust it starts around 45 and reachs 50, are these ok? It's idleing around 28-31.

Also am I stress testing it the right way? Never used AIDA before this.



50C is realy nice while gaming.

Prime95 just sucks as a stress tool to be honnest.

I allways use Aida64, Cincebench R15 render test, and passmark the full passmark test.

Thanks, I hope that its finally fixed then.

What's the passmark test lol?

I ran AIDA 64 for about half an hour but I might leave it overnight to to be sure, I might try Cinebench as well.

Your temps sound right for a non-delidded Haswell running Prime.:P

passmark is a full system benchmark.

it benches the cpu, ram, gpu, HDD/SSD. en bring a total score.

You can also run all passmark tests individualy

ok i will try them


Without stating what the ambient temperature is one cant say if those temps are good or not OP.

Ambient temp is normally around 20.