Are these temperatures normal?

Hello everyone, so i just finished building my first pc and did some temperature tests using realtemp. I'm running a i7 3820 @3.6ghz with a Asetek 510LC Liquid Cooling System. Idle temperatures are 37-40c and while gaming its gets upto 65c. Do i have to reapply the thermal paste or is it ok. Thanks for you help.

they seem a little high but not out of the ordinary you could check your fans and clean the radiator of dust.  And you can reapply the thermal paste as well if it has been a while. 

     I have an i7 920 and overclock it to about 3.6 and get around the same idle temps.  During gaming though it doesn't really go above 56.  I use air cooling.  I'd deff make sure you apply the paste correctly.

all systems nominal.