Are these CPU temps dangerous?

I recently applied new thermal paste and put the stock cpu cooler back on the cpu, after restarting my pc I am paranoid that the cpu may be running too hot.

I am getting a much better corsair hydro cooler in about a month, I want to make sure that these readings from CPUID HWMonitor seem safe enough to run up until that time - I do not want to risk burning out my cpu and I am very concerned.

(from left to right - average, min, max)

The thermal paste was Arctic Silver.

The most odd thing is that the longer the pc is running, the cooler the cpu runs.

(About 20 minutes later)

nope those temps are fine. As long as they don't get in the 90's.

When attempting to game the cpu temp got above the 90s. ...There must be something that is wrong, i'm not sure if you would know what it is. I've never had this issue before, and my NZXT case is really well cooled.

You shouldn't let AMD Cpus get over 65. is it going to die if you do? probably not any time soon but running over 65 for long periods of time can shorten the life of your chip.

Yes long periods of time. Like >5 years. But in general, cpus will in will be okay if you dont get too hot. If you're gaming and you get over 90 then the cooling solution you have is not enough. Stock coolers are not meant for gaming. And things of that nature that max out the cpu usage.

It seems it really was a bad chip. I swapped back out for another amd chip I had in another build and I have no problems weird to me.

a bad chip or a bad application of the thermal paste?

I don't know if HOT chips are a thing, especially when the heat difference is that much...

No, this is incorrect. Intel cores don't like getting over 90-105c depending on the specific processor, whether its a 5960x which can't take more then 90c or a 4790k which can't go over 105c. AMD cores can't go over 65c safely, and the AMD socket doesn't like going over the 70c range.

Which AMD socket are you referring to? I have an AMD APU that routinely goes over 70C, it's overclocked, never had any issues.

It was a bad chip in the end. I've applied thermal paste many times before and I know that wasn't the problem, the computer eventually started to turn off because that chip got too hot - after switching back to another, slightly older chip, all is fine.

It was the FX series 8-core chip. I've never had problems with an AMD chip before either.

to be fair, that is an 8 core cpu
32nm Vishera 125W

a quote from neweggs responses

"Jonathan R.
12/18/2014 7:11:44 PM
Tech Level: Somewhat High
Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
Verified Owner
4 out of 5 eggsGreat CPU, Bad Fan/Thermal Paste

Pros: GREAT CPU! Great performance. 4.0 Ghz CPU with the amazing AMD price point.

Cons: DO NOT USE THE STOCK CPU/THERMAL PASTE! It was fine for a couple months, and then my PC started shutting down. After diagnosis, I seen it was because my CPU was running at about 70 Celsius in just idle. I bought a water cooler ($60 from Corsair) and my load temp went from 70 to 27. I seen the reviewer above saying to NOT USE THE STOCK FAN/THERMAL PASTE and I didn't heed his warning. Ignoring his advice almost cost me my CPU, don't let it happen to you. This is a great CPU, so get a different cooling item for it and you will not regret it.

Other Thoughts: Buy it! But get a water cooler or better fan/thermal paste."

id say the tldr here,
is even with a smaller all in one cooler,
take it off make sure all the mounts are in proper order,
then clean the paste off,
then re apply some paste and make sure that you have good contact with the socket

Thank you so so so so much. I made the mistake of using the stock cooler. For a bit of background, I was building a pc for someone and there were a few issues (a dead on arrival psu from Corsair mostly) and in this waiting time the thermal paste dried, so I applied my own. I did this correctly, my mistake was trusting the awful stock cooler that is on this thing.

I'm sending the Cpu back to AMD under warranty (the cpu was running twice as hot as it should have, and under no condition is that normal) and then i'm going to buy a more proper cpu cooler.

Thanks for the information.

That is so weird that it was a bad chip in such a way - glad the issue was resolved.

But, yeah, the chip was running several degrees hotter than the maximum, which is pretty bad, even for the stock cooler.

If this, somehow, happens again, I would check voltages and compare with other monitoring programs, like AMD Overdrive. (Note, however, that Overdrive uses the Thermal Margin for temperatures, not a Thermal Scale.)

It's equally as unusual to me, hahaha, but yeah, glad it is resolved.

The chip when doing a gaming test with Dues Ex: Human Revolution got to almost 160 degrees F, which is when I knew something was definitely wrong. Also, I hadn't heard of AMD Overdrive before, i've only used HWMonitor, but I will look into it.


AMD state max safe core temp for the FX 83XX-series to be 70C (thermal margin in AMD Overdrive is delta to 70C). Socket temps depend on the motherboard, but 70C is considered by many to be max "safe". I don't remember right now, but I think it will throttle/shut down at around 90C. But this can be disabled in BIOS/UEFI. Not a good idea :-)

When I overclocked AMD FX CPUs they would be perfectly stable at 70C, but other parts might not be. Many motherboards have problems at high temps.


Trust me, it's fine these are my idle temps.