I am far from a connoisseur when it comes to the audio world. I am looking for a headset mostly for gaming. But I do like my classical music more than the rest of my family. So I looking for any recommendations you guys might have. Around 100 dollars. Thanks.
Me my buddy and my internet buddy all have vengeance 2100's i do not have anything compare them to except for my old turtle beach ones which are in the trash. i think they are above 100$ however.
we all use them to play games, watch YouTube/movies and listen to music, talk on teamspeak . our music ranges from rock pop rap country older country. no classical except for
classic rock.
edit guess they are 100$ now.
Yeah I was looking at those because there was a review done awhile ago on this site. But they don't seem to sell them anymore there is a new model H2100 wasn't sure if they were still good or not.
looks like only difference is they added led and probably fixed the loose drivers in them I had to ship mine back because it rattled.