Some observation I want to add here.
A lot of times I get the impression that due to linux being both "Free as in beer" referring to the cost (i.e. money) of the software and "free as in speech" referring to what you are allowed to do with the software, that there are a lot of the former kind. The pirates and freeloaders, those with a smash and grab software mentality that very easily negatively impact conversations on free software by their misguided (yet often noble) understandings of and intentions towards the matter at hand.
And then there are the young "Gamer" types, not the educated or adult, but the rabid and chaotic youths just smart enough to follow a assemble a PC to play games, who as yet are still in highschool (usually doing poorly) that as so far have made it through life on auto cruise, Similar types may throw near copy-pasta punchline statements into conversations, not to be constructive, but to pretend to understand the matter, merely to feel part of the crowd if you will.
Linux and free things also suffer the problem of attracting a large amount of extremely opinionated and 'choosy' folks, often those who held enough of an opinion on windows to leave it out of reasons of hate for microsoft alone. (Hating microsoft, often being an annoying game I come across in threads) Bigotry and elitism is rife in the free software/open source area, A group of free thinking radicals where all trains of thoughts are explored and voiced, bu few are tested against reality.
A testament to how picky and chaotically disorganised a large part of the open source/ free software movement is, is the sheer amount of different linux distro's available which effectively all do exactly the same thing in a slightly different manner, but seem to exist purely for the exercise itself. I'm not talking about the big main distro's.
If you will really, the problem the free software & open source community suffers most under is a problem of the human condition, that given complete freedom and lack of any constraints, many a situation may devolve into chaos with no-one assuming any responsibility towards anyone, where all trains of thought are explored and every user is left very much fending for themselves within their own community and largely only connected via the internet. Only a few form groups with common goals and constraints that act towards a common goal.
Outsiders new to the area (newbies as many Denigratingly self/-refer to such) and how those more experienced interact with them are the source of all that is wrong and has gone wrong in much of the software world (and elsewhere too) elements who have as yet not found their group, are often not welcomed or treated with respect, but downtrotten and left to themselves in order for the elite to maintain their status.
Instead of being coached in their ethic or guiding principles in the free software & open source community that they seek to learn and be a part of it, they are left outside to follow their own rules.
The classism of the software world if you will. There are very few wise masters and more quacks willing to accept and teach the inexperienced in their art and ethics.
This is often where new branches form as outside individuals who seek to be a part coalesce together on the doorsteps of the kings palace. Once there are enough people of similar opinion that have coalesced and aggregated behind an idea they will start to contribute to the chaos unchallenged on an online platform of choice, free of any constraints they would encounter in a face to face conversation, such as demonstrated on this reddit thread and very often here on this forum. It is always easier to run from criticism than face it and even embrace it in order to better oneself.
Online opinions and associated groups can manifest and spread without sound evidence and when questioned on the matter, perpetuators of falsehoods can hide safe in the knowledge that only those in agreement of their ideology need listen in order to obtain a following in a global internet of billions.
Is it populism manifest? The group think of a karma points reinforced hive mind where any opinions no matter how factually valid can take consensus in groups if enough are in agreement.
When the internet and worldwide web was created, it was done so by it's creators with the vision of a future of free exchange of new ideas and advancement beneficial to mankind.
What few noted though was the trade-off that, the internet as a medium of communication is wholly impartial in it's content, it is the ultimate expression of freedom where any idea no matter how terrifyingly flawed can reach consensus to take a following and propagate.
It is a test of us and science as our tool to interpret reality and differentiate from imagination.