You can upgrade lower quality pre-made ones by adding more stuff.
But the question is: Is saying "why buy a pre-made computer when you can make one that's cheaper" like saying "why buy a pre-made PC when you can build one cheaper?"
Homemade pizzas are always cheaper and they are much easier to make yourself than most people think...Also you do not risk the delivery guy being an idiot and getting a pizza that is shaken that badly that is half stuck onto the box...
I like that photo of GLaDOS when it (?) was only a little dumb potato!
@commodore256 Sure, they're a lot similar. But unfortunately not in flavour or smell department. Also if you put pineapple on both you're doing a really really bad thing, that's what they share too. Don't get triggered friends, it's just the cold hard truth lol
They're not like Pizza's in as much as your can quantify that one is better than another with performance metrics and such. Its hard to prove the Sausage is better than pepperoni, or vice versa etc;.
As for me, I can only afford the cheap frozen shit that's been frozen a while and maybe add toppings to make it better. But I'd like to try an artisan brand name pizza out of curiosity to see what they have to offer.
I've made a pizza once and that was for somebody else and I could have done a better job, but I'm sure if I tried now, I would make a better job. But I obsess with min/maxing on my toppings and say if I got sausage on sale and wait for a sale on cheese, the sausage would be spoiled by the time I could get cheese, so I can't be bothered with that shit anymore.