Are Asus video cards good?

I was wondering if Asus video cards are good?

Asus is a reputable brand but personal experience vary for everyone. Choose the one that fits in your budget and the one you like the most.

They are Good in the Nvidia Department, in the AMD Department It's Debate-able. The General Preference in AMD Cards are, Sapphire, Gigabyte and XFX. ASUS used to be up in that Selection but considering how poorly they Performed cooling the Hawaii GPU's they kinda lost their touch a bit.

Well it depends what card, what cooler, and what PCB design. But generally, yes

Asus in general is one of the better brands but keep comparing, check the technical details, search for some benchmarks and some forums to check if there aren't any problems.

I have a xfx card would be skeptical abbot buying again, a lot of their cards have bad heatsink design.  You can see negative comments about this on new egg.

The Asus cooler is fairly good. The sapphire one is like the gigabyte windforce cooler and can have clearance issues.

I like what power cooler do on amd., their 290 devillooks pretty good.

The great thing about XFX GPUs is that if you register them within 30 days of the purchase they have a life-time warranty. 

which card do you have? cause the XFX cards have been pretty solid me. at least for the R9 Series anyways i can't really speak for the old 7000 or 6000 series.

This is a card that I would be looking at from Asus.

One of the PCs in my house is an old Dell E5200. Last year its original  256mb video card finally gave up the struggle for life, so I bought an Asus (Nvidia) 210 1gb as a replacement. It's small cooling fan was very noisy, so I removed it and replaced it with a stack of copper coins and aluminium cpu heat sink. Cured the noise and surprisingly it didn't overheat. However, in the light of this experience, it is unlikely that I would buy another Asus.

I wouldnt buy that card from asus i know that the r9 280(x), had problems cooling and some weird glitches. I dont if this one had the same problems but if i where you i would buy one from a different brand just to be sure.

In my opinion ASUS cards are the best. I have 2 Direct CU gtx 770s

Nope, they are not good, they are best video cards you can find, there is absolutely no competition for ASUS in both mobo and GPU sector.

I have an ASUS r9 270x DC2 and it's never given me a single problem.

Asus cards are fine, but so too are nearly every other manufactures. I wouldnt put them above any one else to be honest and subjective. All companies aren't immune to DOA cards, or faulty ones here and there.

Go for whatever card suits your budget, build color scheme, has a good warranty and most importantly performs well.

Asus only seem to had some issues with theire 290 and 290x direct cu II cards. there was something with contacting from the cooler not being optimimal, and there for the cards runned still to the 95C mark, or something like that.

I need to dig it up again, its discussed allot on diffrent community´s a long time ago.

Theire Nvidia cards are great.

Found a video about it.

i still need to dig up the actual topics on which it discussed in more detail. or you could do some google hits your self offcourse. ☺

Also, even Asus' top of the line card is apparently kind of shitty.

I sort of expected this to be honest. ASUS's Monkey Business with all the original Direct CU II cooler on the Hawaii Chips were bad enough i didn't expect to see a difference with the Platinum Card. They should make a Direct CU III Card with three fans. personally i expect to see this same monkey business with the R9-300 Series too. I mean this Components of this card were MADE for the R9-290x and it couldn't even cool it down. ASUS needs to step their game up with the AMD Cards.

lol indeed.

im sorry JJ this thing sucks kinda. ☺

The best 290x is just the Sapphire Vapor X.