Arch linux raspberry pi wifi problem


I bought a raspberry pi and put  Arch linux on it, but I have to connect it to a router via wifi. The kernel loads all the drivers correctly, I can get the wlan0 interface up connect ( WEP-encrypted). "dhclient wlan0" takes a while, "dhcpcd wlan0" times out. "iwconfig wlan0" tells me that I am connected.

But when I try to ping or update pacman it tells me it cannot connect to any host. So I am really not sure what to do next. Any Ideas?

thanks for reading.


kind regards,

I presume you have done all the systemctl enable and start stuff, try wpa_supplicant -B -i "interfacename" -c <(wpa_passphrase "SSID" "Password") then follow up with dhcpcd@wlp1s0 or wlan0 which ever the interface name is, just check it with iw

Failing them bring the interface down then up using ip link set then check with ip link show


thanks for the reply.

I don't think I should use the wpa_supplicant because I connect to a WEP-encrypted network. I am also not sure what I am supposed to do with the systemctl?
Here is what I do step by step after It boots  and I logged in.

ip link set wlan0 up

iwconfig wlan0 essid "myessid" key s:mykey

dhclient wlan0

Everything seems to work but when I try to ping it fails. I check iwconfig wlan0 before I do the dhclient wlan0 to get an IP it tells me that I am connected. The "dhclient wlan0" does not throw an error the "dhcpcd wlan0" command times out. Is there a possibility to check if I got an IP-address?

Could the inability to get an IP be because of the low power?
I tried to set power managment off by "iwconfig wlan0 power on" but it tells me that the operation is not permitted.
Could this be because the device has too little power? the usb wifi dongle is running directly off raspberry pi and not from a actively powered usb-hub.

thanks for reading.

Kind regards,

Does your wlan device show up in the output of "lsusb"?

Hi, thanks for the reply

Yes it does show up. and "dmesg | grep usbcore" tells me something about r8188eu driver. So I do not think that it is a driver issue.

kind regards,