Arch apps in AUR not found through pacman

Hey guys!

So I’ll keep this short, I am trying to install a few apps - most notably polybar for i3-wm, and even though it is on the AUR , pacman through the terminal says the target is not found. I have also done pacman -Syu and pacman -Syy to no success. I’m not particularly sure what the issue could be and any suggestions are helpful!


Pacman does not use the AUR as a repository of packages. Please see here for manually installing AUR packages:

Additionally people have created AUR helpers that can simplify installing AUR packages. You can pick your poison here


@candybar hit the nail on the head.

AUR repo’s are not installed by default. But then again, nothing on arch is, so you shouldn’t be surprised :wink:

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Hmm that makes sense, So I am trying to install it through the makepkg command, however it stops it towards the end with;
/usr/bin/makepkg: line 170: fakeroot: command not found

Any ideas?


Yaourt is probably the best AUR package manager. It will search all your repo’s core, extra, community, aur, blackarch, ect…(manjaro and antegros if you use those.
It can easily be downloaded off the AUR…oh wait…lol best off luck :wink:

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Install the fakeroot package using pacman :wink: You may want to go ahead and install the base-devel group, it contains fakeroot as well as other packages needed for building from source.


If the package is on pacman or AUR repo’s try to avoid manually installing packages.
Using a package manager makes maintaining the system much easier.

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Yaourt is actually the worst package manager.

Please stop recommending it to people.
See this matrix:

@Burrito Please choose any of the others ones



I used pacaur and it was a good experience, but you should do your own comparison.


I’ve decided to move to aurman now.
Installing an aur helper with an old aur helper :joy:



Hey all!

Thanks for all of the help - Once I realised the AUR doesn’t work like say extra repos do on Ubuntu, I figured it out. I just did it initially installed with the package commands, however have since used and AUR helper.

Thanks a bunch!


Just FYI Arch community is very figure it out yourself mentality. this forum is great for help but normally out side this you will get yelled at for this question. Also check #archlinux-newbie. but keep posting on here for more traffic :slight_smile:


A couple of things to note after reading these comments:

  • Be sure to understand the basics of how the AUR and pkgbuilds work before using an AUR helper. Despite the way helpers present it to you the AUR is not just another repo. Its more like a PPA in ubuntu and you should treat it like one.
  • Pacaur was a good choice but is now unmaintained. I think the most recent Pacman update finally broke it.
  • As some have said Aurman is a good choice. So is yay.
  • Read the Wiki.

The Arch Wiki truly an incredible source of information. For almost anything you could want to do you’ll find step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting. The only time the Arch community is unfriendly is when the question is easily answered on the Wiki (like this one :stuck_out_tongue:) . Definitely check that out. It’s invaluable.