Apu with new motherboard, or AMD gfx card?

So I want to virtualize Windows in Linux, but I currently do not have two gfx cards to make it happen. Since AMD OSS drivers are better than nVidia I'd much rather be running an AMD card with the system. But here's the issue, right now AMD cards are fucking expensive because of crypto miners. I could pretty much get a Kaveri cpu and a new motherboard for the same value that I would buy a decent gfx card.

I'm looking for opinions on the matter because i'm on the fence right now. On one had I'm totaly fine with passing off my FX-6350 and motherboard to my girlfriend and replacing it with Kaveri for HSA support (I even love Fedora so I'm super looking forward to F21) and running linux since I don't game within linux. I then have my current HD7870 to run on windows which handles everything I play beautifully. On the other hand I don't know if I'm possibly crippling my performance within Windows when I'm on Kaveri. Since there really isn't HSA support and I play some (but not many) demanding games, I'd rather not make the switch only to screw myself.

 (to mods: I put this in general since its a linux, gfx card, and cpu question. If you think it goes better somewhere else go ahead I just wasn't sure.)

If the games you play intend to support mantle, you will be completely fine.

If they don't, you may see 2-3 fps drop, but it isn't going to start making your games unplayable.

As far as virtualization goes, I have no idea how well or if it will even work, since I never need to virtualize. So maybe someone can voice an opinion on that.

But for gaming, maybe a slight, but very minor drop.


Well, before anything I want to say that I'm way log to be an expert, in fact I just start to handle with linux last month. That beung said and putting some logic in it... virtualizing windows on linux may do windows think that you're running a 12 core processor (thet's the amount of compute cores on the a10-7850k) so yo may even run better windows on if you virtualize it in linux.


Thats what I tink, but I could be absolutely wrong on this point, I would love to see the really knownledge people to let me know.


And beside, as I've read somwere in the teksyndicate, fedora 21 will come on 3Q 2014, so there's time to see the evolution on the graphics card prices....