Hi guiz... and girlz... Don't forget the ladys...

Now to the issue at hand...

I have been playing with a website based configurator for building my new PC. Basically my main choice was 5800k. Eventually i have started to experiment with other cpus, and i have noticed 2 things:

1. I can get Athlon II X4 645 with 7730 for less then 5800K in my country (Bulgaria)...

2. In gaming (and i think everything else) the Athlon and the 7730 will be much better choice then the 5800k.

Then if that is true, why does people keep recommending an APU based system?

Am i missing something here? I mean you see what kind of hardware i'm going for and you will correctly assume, that i will not be able to upgrade in the next couple of years. My main goal is gaming, Unity and may be some blender, but i may abbandon blender and just use free 3d models...

So what am i missing?

7730 is a laptop graphics card?

Really? Looks pretty PC to me...


Oh well, this explains it. Not on the US sites I checked, only the 7730m.

"But AMD recently (and quietly) started shipping a new entry-level Radeon HD 7730 in Asia. Then, it started trickling into Europe. According to Sapphire, you'll soon see it in the U.S. as well."


and yes certain builds can be around the same price as an APU and do better.

Also I think what you found has to do more with region pricing. The A10 5800k is 110 dollars in the USA and theĀ Athlon II X4 645 is 75 dollars. A graphics card is kinda impossible at the 35 dollar price point.