Hi guys,
I have the following 3 components:
I don't think that there is a compatibility issue, but I just wanted to make sure.
I know a 2333 Mhz memory would have been better, but I've received the memory as a gift.
Rest of the components are:
A 750 PSU, a kingston 120 Gb ssd, a wd 1tb hdd, and an older case ( I don't know it's name )
All those parts are fully compatible and will work together just fine.
I know the memory was a gift, but you should really think about trying to grab something faster. It will make a huge difference in performance.
A 750W PSU is way too much for this system, especially if you won't be running a graphics card. Go with something around 500W. This system could easily run off 400W but the extra power will give you room to throw in a GPU down the line.
For the SSD, grab a HyperX 3k or one of the Samsung 840 Evos, both a great drives. If you wanna go a bit cheaper the Kingston SSD Now! drives are also a good choice.
Thank you :) I know 750 is overkill, but I was thinking somewhere next year to upgrade the system.
So again, thank you very much.
Even with a 500 watt psu you should be able to add a graphics card.
Yeah a 750w PSU could easily power an FX-8350 and two high end GPUs in SLI/Crossfire.
So it's an huge overkill. I will see if I can change it, or most probably buy a 500w psu, and keep this one for the next build.
DerKrieger, after I've replayed to you, I've managed to get in contact with the shop where the memory was bough from, and they have a 30 day return policy, and I've managed for 4$ to upgrade the memory to 2133 mhz.
Yeah 500W is all you need. Just grab a high quality, well rated PSU. That is at a minimum 80+ Bronze certified and you'll be happy.
Ohh good to hear. Yeah In some games you'll see close to a 15-20 or even higher FPS gain by using the faster RAM.