APU enough?

Building two pc's for my brother and I, he mostly just plays League of Legends and i play Minecraft( i know im not even a gamer lay off) but would a APU be enough for us to game comfortably? I've been looking at the A10 7850k and also a 6790k,  with some 8gb 2133mhz ram for extra performance, and will be overclocking the APU's. My budget is $560 and his is about $650, i already have an ssd,and hdd, while he needs everything. Just need the actual pc components no peripherals. 

An APU would more than likely be fine for what you do, particularly if you are not going to get a dedicated GPU. An intel at the same price may be more powerful CPU wise, but if you're just going to use the integrated graphics, the APU would likely do better overall, especially in more GPU bound situations. 

Eventually will get a r9 270 or 270x, would a intel be able to hold me over playing minecraft until i get a new video card?

Depends how long you wait and if you're playing with mods and if you could stretch to get an i5 and even still the APU may still be better at the price range with the dedicated GPU. I'm not sure how well HSA works in the 7xxx series, but from what I've seen it does seem to help bost the preformance. 

So pretty much i'll be okay with the APU with the little tasks im doing, then eventually when i get the 270x it will still work well with dual graphics mode. Do you know if there is much difference between the 6790k and 7850k apus? overclocking and performance wise?

I would have to disagree.  Any Intel processor around the price of the A10-7850K won't perform nearly as good, and won't have a iGPU anywhere near the A10's iGPU.  Though I might suggest getting the Athlon X4 860K and an R9-270 if you can.  It would completely destroy the A10 in gaming performance.

Just get the A10-7850K, for it's price, it's amazing and shouldn't limit you at all.

Minecraft is poorly multi-threaded.  I highly suggest going with Intel for the CPU as your performance will be better.


how would a x4 860k with a gtx 660 work with minecraft ?

That'd work pretty good for your budget, currently am making a build  with the 860k and my friend owns a 660 and loves it. Won't be the best out there but you cant really beat it on the budget.

Athlon x4 860k isn't a whole lot faster than the previous 760k and 750k.  Also, the single core performance of an 860k isn't even comparable to the single threaded performance of an i3.

An R9 270 would perform better than a GTX 660, and is often lower priced.  Minecraft and League don't handle multiple threads very well, and are more CPU bound than GPU bound.

Thing is the way the 860k can overclock for its price you'd really end up having a better comparison with the pentium because its a simmilar price and you could go with some better parts in the rest of the system. And with my experience with mindcraft and AMD CPU's there are mods out there (optifine has it in the new versions) that add multicore rendering and with the optimizations with the latest version, my brothers 3770 is being beat by a 7850k (overclocked so a little bit of help) with idential 270x's and not using the iGPU for graphics at all. Mindcraft tends to hate i3's as well (brothers friend 4th gen i3 with 660 cant hit 30 if you aren't in vanilla single player with a low entity count) as 2 core CPUs just dont cut it anymore in most of todays games (my old i5 3rd gen laptop could barely even handle minecraft).

Well I'm coming from a Dell laptop with a core i3 and it runs like a damn potato currently maybe the dedicated gpu will help. Which core i3 would be best for the money though ? 

Maybe just get the Pentium OC-able, it has pretty good performance per core, it is cheap, and you could get a dedicated card(750 ti maybe)



Thing is for $20 more (amazon is selling the 860k for $84 and free shipping) you can get a 4 core that can match the performance of an i3 that is $120, and having more than 2 cores, even if they're not hyperthreaded cores, is always a good idea if you are multitasking.


(look under offers and you will see amazon's listing)

Found a micro atx build on reddit that has a 6300, and r9 270 or a 750 ti ftw for 520 with a pci wifi adapter may have to see about that. Will link pc part picker when home.



Minecraft is still based on Java, which is poorly multithreaded.  However, I do agree that with the 860K and a proper motherboard and cooler, overclocking can surpass the performance of a low end i3.

Also, mobile chips are limited in terms of thermal and power capabilities.  It's not really any comparison compared to desktop parts.

Is this a used build for sale or just a build that someone created in PcPP?

Just a build someone said would work, since someone asked about building an apu rig and they replied with this build saying it would be more powerful. Looks pretty solid imo.

heres that build, http://pcpartpicker.com/user/jjgreeneb/saved/tvmNnQ looks promising to me, and probably would preform better than the 7850k, it will probably just have to be me picking between the 860k build, 6300 build, and 7850k and just pulling the plug before Christmas unless some parts can be found cheaper on cyber Monday or black Friday.