APU based PC on budget


I hit an end of life of my desktop, sadly before I could save up enough money for something solid, so I thought I'd build something based on AMD's new APUs. Here are the answers to the questions in the sticky:

  • Budget: Around $500.
  • Where do you live, and what currency do you use? Poland, PLN (1 USD ~ 3.73 PLN)
  • Do you need or already have peripherals? (this can add to costs) Already have them.
  • What will you be using your future computer for? Mainly for work (programming, so compilation and stuff), but also some gaming.
  • Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Yes, if possible.
  • Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? In the future, if at all.
  • OS. Do you need a new one? Would prefer Linux (Ubuntu or Debian), but I have Win7 laying around if needed.

This is not my first build, but I've never built anything APU based. About the budget, please keep in mind that I live in Poland and since PLN price is dropping like mad $500 could be worth more (right now it's ~1800PLN, in December I would get ~1600PLN).

Sorry for the lack of PcPartpicker list, but many parts are not listed there. So here it is:

  • CPU: AMD A10-7850K (3.7 GHz, 4MB L2, 95W)
  • CPU Cooling: Zalman CNPS80F (because I already have one and it fits the case)
  • MOBO: Asus A88X-PLUS A88X
  • RAM: 1x HyperX Savage 8GB @ 2400MHz DDR3 (so I can upgrade later to 64GB)
  • Case: Linkworld OB1217TLBZ LI (TFX PSU)
  • PSU: SeaSonic SS-350TGM-TFX (350W, 80+ Gold)

Let me know what you guys think about it. About the case - I wanted something slim because later I would put SteamOS on it and move it to the living room when I get a new one. I was thinking about modding it to have a glass pane on the side and using PCIe raiser to get some graphics in it (so my main build later could be strictly for programming).

I know you want slim which is a good reason to go with the APU but just saying for less money you can buy a 860k and an R9 270 and have much much better performance. 

Uh, I guess the prices here are really different, because the cheapest R9 270 and 860k is almost twice as much as this APU (A10-7850k = 579PLN, 860k + R9 270 = 1002PLN).

You will probably need a better heatsink and fan if you plan on gaming from some of reviews I read but other than your heatsink and fan, I like what you've listed so far. 

Thanks! I will try what the temperatures are on this one as I already have it in my current rig, but I will look for a better one just in case.

Any specific website that we can look at for pricing?

I'd consider something like a 750k and a R7 265.

Exactly. I had no idea. I suggested the 860k and the 270 and he said it was over double the price of a 7850k. No clue what prices are like in Poland. 

Well, there is http://www.morele.net/, where I usually buy. There is also http://komputronik.pl/, but sadly neither of them are available in English. 750k is around 330PLN and cheapest R7 265 around 620PLN.

Also the build here will be "competing" with my current one - Core 2 Quad 2.5GHz, 4GB @ 800MHz DDR2 RAM and GeForce 8600 GT 1024MB (was twice the RAM and graphics in SLI, but they died). I will not be playing triple-A titles on it, it just needs to handle C compilation rather quickly.