To Logan or others
I'm thinking about starting a new project. I want to build a bartop MAME cabinet and I have a few options. First my girlfriend is inheriting my Asus G46vw so we have this HP pavilion m6 laying around. I was thinking of using it as the primary pc in the build. Also It has an A10 4600k and 6gb of ram. So I was thinking I would build the cab wire up some controls and get a 20 or 22 in monitor and be done for under $300. The other option would be to buy new part and start from scratch. My goal is to be able to play just about everything up until about the ps1 and gamecube era.
I really like the idea of recycling used tech and wanted to hear your thoughts. Also i'm sure you guys have some parts laying around the office collecting dust, maybe you could do a bartop mame build on the show sometime.
P.S. A recycle or upcycled topic may be fun.
Any computer parts up to or beyond a Pentium 4 and an ATI 9000 will run NES, SNES, PS1, N64, and GameCube games just fine. With what you have you could even probably run PS2 games at 1080p.
Yeah I've played some N64 on it to test it out and it runs great. I mean it should do as you say, it can play fallout 3 at 60fps.which was like 360 era.
I guess what im really wondering is will the rest of the laptop hold up over time.
If you want to load it up with games I would suggest getting a 2TB laptop HDD for it.
Good call. I was also thinking of taking it out of its case. So i could get a little more air flow, and add some nice fans.
I was going to suggest the same thing but I was unsure of your hardware hacking aptitude because you may need to invest in creating a power transformer that has 12v fan pinouts for the cabinet case fans and can still provide enough power for the laptop motherboard.
I was thinking of using a powered usb hub and some usb powered fans for the cab.