Apt-get rollback version not found

I need to rollback some packages. I have a list of all the packages I need to rollback and the versions I need. All the versions I need are sitting in /var/cache/apt/archives yet apt ignored them telling me that it couldn't find the version I asked for. How can I get apt to see the older versions? I did try using dpkg-scanpackages but it seems to ignore the older ones favoring the newer ones. The command I used is apt-get -s install $(cat rollback.txt | tr '\n' ' '). rollback.txt contains all of the packages I wish to downgrade in the correct apt format. rollback.txt. The errors are linked here: errors.log. I'm basically looking to downgrade of everything from today. I'll then go through and do an upgrade that won't brick my system.

Not sure if this is helpful, but i've used it with success:

Yeah that won't work. I don't need to uninstall anything I need to install older versions. I know it's possible and I've done it before but apt seems to be angry this time or something.

You could also grab the old deb packages and install 'em with:

sudo dpkg -i packagename

Also note this answer:

But back to the root problem... (See the infamous XY-Problem: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem). Why downgrade, what's not working?

I upgraded and it broke the AMDGPU-PRO drivers that I'm running. As a result X11 doesn't work at all and while I could use the mesa AMDGPU it doesn't perform as well as the pro version in games. I want to rollback so I can continue using the pro drivers.

yeah the problem with that is doing that tells me apt can't find the version specified even though I have all the .deb packages for the versions I'm specifying. As far as just using dpkg -i I could try but I feel like that will make a mess.

X11 log?

Xorg.0.log Look at the module loading specifically. You'll notice all the amdgpu-pro modules fail due to incorrect ABI versions.

Alright I got my issue fixed. I ended up running dpkg-scanpackages -m . /dev/null | gzip > Packages.gz from inside of /var/cache/apt/archives and then adding deb file:/var/cache/apt/archives ./ to /etc/apt/sources.list then after doing apt-get update I was able to downgrade the packages and rollback the upgrade. Then I did apt-mark hold xserver-xorg* to put a hold on everything related to X.org and then lastly an apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade all the other packages and everything works great.