I recently had a computer built with the haswell cpu last week, and after playing some games and with general use i noticed that the temperature has slowly went up. When I first turn on the system (and downloading cpu temp), the original temperatures were some where between 29-30 degrees, and during playing portal and starcraft 2 the temps were agound 40-50 degrees celcius. I know this might sound alright, but I have the coolmaster 212 evo in it, and I thought that the temps would be lower (like 25-28 degrees). So, is this normal with the 212 evo with haswell, or do i need to focus on more case fans?
That is because you are using the CPU more when you're gaming, so it gets hotter. Perfectly safe.
O.k., I thought so. I just expected to be a bit cooler. Maybe it is the ambient temperatures in the room that could be a factor or the way it was put together. I'm a newbie at computers, but I asked for the fan to be put at the back to blow air out towards the rear fan. How else can I get it to be cooler?
haswell could very well ignite the atmosphere
yup. very normal temps. dont worry
Those temps are actually pretty good for haswell
Your temps look fine to me. Run 30 minutes of IntelBurnTestV2, and OCCT (90% Ram usage), if every Core stays below 80 C you have a very good, and overclockable chip.
How to keep it cooler without spending too much money: Add another fan to your cooler, for a push-pull configuration.
Your temps are fine, each core only throttles at 90 C.
You're funny...As in the Medieval usage of the word.