Apples new 'Sign In With Apple' System

Yes and no. It’s just authentication, so works as you’d expect, username and password. But apple devices have the benefit of touchID and faceID so you can use those to authenticate with apples sign on from my understanding.

Does using apple auth on an android app require an apple dev account? I haven’t seen that before.

Even if it does, $99/year is not a lot of money.

I think it probably does… but I’m not sure, using apple apis so I would assume so.

I wouldn’t assume that at all, Apple wants wide acceptance of their login method, so why would they charge? $99 per entire dev studio isn’t exactly a big profit item, they charge iOS developers just to keep their appstore submissions from being deluged with crap.

Looking at the developer page it does

Keeping in mind it’s a service, you need to configure it, set up domain names for email forwarding etc. All require a developer account.

Dev account isn’t just for iOS, it’s used for OS X as well.

And yeah, pretty sure the $99 is just to keep out the trash. Honestly think android should do it too.

after dealing with itunes, mac, and a iphone today… im staying far the f away

Ahh OK, that makes sense. Android does do it, but Google only charges $25. And you can sideload to avoid paying that too.

It definitely will. I would implement it if Okta picked it up, but yeah as you say - you get what you pay for (especially when Apple is involved).