Apple slows down old phones to "save battery life"

I understand your need for concrete proof but there just isn’t any, as we don’t have, and aren’t allowed to look at the source. As part of the frequency scaling drivers for the darwin kernel there should be something in there which will dial down max clocks in a coefficient with the amount of battery cycles for safety reasons. It’ll never be anything more than conjecture, and a shitload of anecdotal evidence.

All the anecdotes have been sitting and festering for years, and now the cat has finally been let out of the bag, everyone has jumped and turned it into a shit storm. A shit storm that nobody is going to be able to prevent, irrespective of concrete evidence. As a long time iPhone user, my anecdotes line squarely up with everyone else’s.

Reasons like this are why free software is important, and why we should be able to inspect the internals of the devices we pay for if we choose to.

Edit: As a footnote, Apple position themselves at the upper end of the market, and there isn’t an excuse for the batteries in these devices being any different.

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Battery fully charged. If the CPU ramps up too full speed on power from the wall. Then it is justified. Go slow on batteries that suck and cant be replaced. I get that is better that the phone crashing.

Yeah but we don’t need a look at the source to verify something is happening here. We need GeekBench or similar to just run a test that actually answers the question. Take an iPhone 6 (or whatever) with an old-ass battery, install the newest iOS and run a benchmark. Then have the battery replaced and run the benchmark again. If the results differ by any statistically significant margin then we have our answer.

What we don’t need is GeekBench running a test that is basically irrelevant and then claiming that it verifies the claims of software funkiness. It would be easy enough to have this question answered.

There are now 5 odd lawsuits over this 3 in the US and 2 international. Apple offering $29 replacement batteries for the next year.
Will be interesting to follow now.

I ended up getting my battery replaced (unofficially) on my 6S, and surprise surprise it doesn’t randomly turn off anymore and things don’t take an unreasonable time to open, it has gone back to normal. Another anecdote, but there you go. I am glad this fixed it for me because LineageOS is fucking garbage.

Why do you say that?

I think it’s going to be an easy defense for Apple. The people suing them are going to have to prove that any potential OS changes were intentionally malicious in some way and, what’s more, are going to have to prove there’s no valid engineering reason for which these changes were made. Proving intent is going to be tough as hell, no?

Also, like, is this not what you get for buying products from a company with historically poor business practices? Unfortunately I feel no sympathy for people experiencing this issue.

Because on my S7 Edge I got under 4 hours SoT, completely de-googled. I had HERE maps, my banking app, whatsapp and QKSMS installed and that’s it. The phone was always hot and I found myself wasting hours on trying to drill down the cause of wakelocks using that Sam battery monitor app, I haven’t got time in my life to deal with Android’s fundamentally broken app architecture. I’m over it.

I mean, there are a fair few reasons that could have been the case that had absolutely nothing to do with Android’s app architecture or with how LineageOS was designed.

How much SoT do you get on your iPhone?

I’ll let ya know once I get used to this new battery.