Hey guys I have a Windows 8 laptop and I would like some wireless speakers like the Apple Airport Express but compatible with my Google Play music libary which I have heard doesn't stream with the Airport?
Are there any speakers which can connect to my Wi-Fi wirelessly and be accessed wirelessly on any Windows computer with similar controls to Airplay in iTunes (swtiching off certain speakers) and that work with sound that comes streamed through a web browser like Google Play Music?
I apologise for the poorly written question, I wasn't sure how else to write it! Haha.
Or get a raspberry pi and make your own. One advantage here is that you can do tons more stuff with it on top of just streaming to your speakers. You could probably get it up and running for around $50 if you just hang the naked board on the wall or put it in a cigar box. Or you could get this ridiculously awesome case for it at adafruit http://www.adafruit.com/products/1039 . They have pi's and tons of other stuff and maybe even a kit all ready to meet your needs.
Or, if you already have an Airport Express you might be able to trick it with some dlna hacks or something... say with linux on an old laptop or computer...?