Apache2 (running on LinuxMint) conf, weird behaviour

Hello guys!
I need some help here understanding apache2 configs.

First problem;I cant change the name on my main html folder
/var/www/html to let say /var/www/zemos

It wont work, it feels like ive tryd everything!
Dont know any more conf files to change the adress in?
(/etc/apache2/ files)
I know this is a uber nood question but hey! Ive some ide what i could be, because im kinda new to linux aswell
(thanks to the teksyndicate guys im running Mint since about 3 months ago) but thats, if there is some hidden files in some folder or something like that.
Thankful for some tips!

Second problem; weird behaviour
In Chromium, and localhost shows my new index.htm "site"
[Clarification: this hasnt anything to do with my first problem, were i talk about the "folder"]
but in firefox, for some reason shows the "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" thats shows information about the apache2...
Ive completly removed that original file so thats pretty weird i think.

( Ive used the service start/stop and reload, also force...)

// Tomas

Just found out that after i right click "forget about this site" in history library on
now things work again( it didnt help to restart firefox).
Now im just standing curious why firefox dont reload or what every it does or not does?! hehe

Will it be the same when i "reload" new design or what ever now that i start to build my site?

that is strange. instead of changing the default i would just make vhosts, and put a php redirect in your default to prevent people from getting info about your system.

mayhap the localhost/ thing is related to your hosts file entries?

youre not supposed to change the name of the webserver on your local machine. (if you really want to though then do commands as sudo). You have the webserver running on your localhost, so if you type in the localhost address it will respond with the webserver content in /var/www/public_html. also check that directory for hidden files with

ls -al

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