Apache, unbuntu

Not sure if this is the right thread but anyways.

ive installed apache onto my unbuntu pc i have bought a domain.

how do i put my domain name onto my apache server? 

im doing this as a small project just to mess around with linux and html code, and am prepared to spend time to make it work. spent the last hour trying to configure my apache server but didn't get very far. 

Hello madmanchris1

Just for my understanding. You ordered a Web Domain like akendo.eu and now you want to use this? 

In gneral it does mean to point your Domain Name to one of  your IP-Address. Within Apache you can create virtual host that will use the Domain Name to respond on.

Take this example from the offical website. It describe to your wish.

You're not forced to buy a domain to use one. When you're running locally domain name servers you can create your own Domain. There will be just part of your infrastructure. 


Hope this is helping


best regars



Thanks Akendo! 

this helps alot.

do you know the command to configure it though?

I couldn't find it on that site.


Thanks , MadManChris

if you mean configure apache, it's by editing the httpd.conf file in your /etc or apache.conf file not sure follow the wiki for that.

If you want to point your domain to your IPs you need to use your domain provider tools for that, if it's godaddy they have a control panel where you can set the DNS options, you have to do some reading on that. If you have a dynamic IP you might want to look into one of these services that change the IP automatically for you

Thanks gel.

Thanks ive been looking every where for that file!! just found it now!

If i set that up to work with my domain name and then point the domain will it work without changing setting's in my router (virginmedia hub)? 

i have a almost static ip ( unless i change my router it will stay the same)

Thanks so much! must have gone into at least 100 files looking for that http.conf

Nope, your router is a DHCP server to your LAN, you have to put the fixed IP of your httpd box on your non-routable range in the DMZ config of your router.