Apache Server Not Accessable Outside Network

That is quite strange to hear being that places such as canyouseeme.org say that the ports are forwarded correctly.

When I ping it on local it simply returns the amount of time it took to receive the reply along with the WAN IP of the network.

Remotely it says that the request timed out

okay but it should say like pinging "IP" with 32 bytes of data is that ip the wan ip?

the time out is normal most routers wont respond to external pings

what protocol do you have the foward ports on TCP or UDP, Both? needs to be TCP or Both.

The ports are forwarded using TCP
The WAN IP that is displayed is the correct IP

Whelp, I'm afraid i'm out of ideas, it should be working.

on my setup i have a DDNS but i have my websites in subfolders so i have to do DDNS/subfolder/index.php
this is my last idea otherwise IDFK why it is not working.


Thanks for all the help I guess I'll keep trying...

UPDATE: So after a couple hours of fiddling with the port forwarding, DMZ, and firewall settings I was able to make the website work, hopefully it will stay that way. Thanks for all the help :)

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