Yesterday my old buddy died... One of the capacitors blew, like a geyser. My AOpen AX4BS was build in 2001 and died on February 23th 2016 after I hooked a "new" (build in 2002) seagate harddrive up to it to see what was on there. RIP

Or not! At least I hope not. Does anyone know if I can replace the capacitors on the board? Even if it is 10€ a piece I will do it.

Update: Replaced 11 capacitors and it is going strong again. Seems old hardware never dies.

Well old hardware never dies if you keep repairing it. im sure theres an yugo somewhere in the world that still works

Current mainboards have up to 11 layers, you can not just repair them. I really like to see my board back running fine as ever.