Anyone with a Fractal Design Define R5 - Can you measure the depth between the feet?

Title explains it. Im looking at the R5 and its dimentions mention it to be incredibly deep. The desk I have (or chest of drawers I should say) is 40cm deep which I may have to stick a plank of wood at the back to extend it anyway.

If someone has a Define R5, can they measure the depth between the front and back feet of the case so I can see what I'm dealing with?

I'm upgrading from an original Bitfenix Prodigy which has caused me more problems than I can think of. I now have an MSI R9 390 8G and I pretty much have the side panel half open to stop the turbulence and add clearance to the beefy heatsink when gaming. Getting an R5 might be a bad idea anyway, being that I'm putting a mini-itx board in it...

If you have not received a reply by the time my case arrives I will measure for you. Have one in order from new egg should be here in a day or two.