Does anyone here use IE11?
buts its awesome? i use it all the time... in fact its the only browser i have installed.
well it works for me ive tested the speed between gc and ie and ie won 6/10 times.
About sums it up.
i havent seen any sites that are broke.
Trolldar activated
Blashphemy. Use IE 11 on your corporate network then watch it crash infrequently for different users. Fuck my life.
i just think IE is simple and elegant and it fits perfectly with Windows.
Nope. Internet Explorer is generally inferior to Firefox and Chrome. The new browser, "Edge", looks promising though. Will have to try it out on my own when Windows 10 drops.
You mean both Windows and IE right? don't start a flame war over this lol
oh yeah i use Bing lol
@Nate1994 this keeps getting better and better. Impending flame war beacons are buzzing and the trolldar has overloaded and tripped the breakers. Also it has no deactivate button
Let's not make this a screenshot thread.
I've heard 11 is fast But is it,but is it stable AND safe?
I have removed all of my post because it was really just bashing IE and MS and posting pointless screenshots and I set off @offroadslayer88's Impending flame war beacons and trolldar.
Am I practising safe browsing when using IE, or am I at risk for one of those nasty 'infections'?
I seen all sorts of browsers taken over by malware/ other bad software IE 11 included, I don't think its any less or more safe than the others.
you would think less no one uses it uf
You didn't set off the trolldar lol. The praise of bing and ie did.