It has a Ryzen 7 4800H inside. Seems like a different OEM than Clevo, so it would be interesting to check out by someone like @wendell or learnlinux[dot]tv.
Had not heard of it but, it peaks my interest. I am a sucker for the Thinkpad nubs, but I may be willing to forgo that if this directly helps an opensource project. I haven’t used KDE since 2005.
Looks decent
waiting on Lenovo simply because I like the thinkpad keyboards. Really want an X1 carbon form factor with a ryzen setup
is this literally this same as the Schenker Via 15 Pro?
Looks to be. Same ports in the same places, very nearly the same spec. The fan grilles on the back looks slightly different.
But the dealbreaker for me is the non-backlit keyboard. The rest of the specs seem decent.
I cannot stand non-backlit keyboards.
Thanks for the correction. Was on mobile and distracted.
But no backlight on the keyboard? Really. I mean, I can modify that, but for 900 Euros, I should not have to. I tend to compute in the dark.