Does anybody else think that the Windows 10 taskbar and other icons and things are scaled strangely even at 1080p? The Windows logo on the start button and the icons on the taskbar look smaller than they should be... I haven't used any scaling or anything...
I don't think there's need to mess with those settings, unless OP has a hidpi screen or something.
Rereading the first post
I think there's no issue actually. The start icon is simply smaller in Windows 10 than it used to be in Windows 8.1. I think taskbar icons might be a bit smaller as well. That's not a scaling issue, it's just a design choice:
It was just out of curiousity really, I wondered what other people thought. My monitor is 23" 1080p and coming from Windows 8.1, some of the ui just looks a little small, especially compared to other icons and menus and things :)
I cant stand the UI. Its fixed bigger than normal to allow touch screen use. But on a desktop its super annoying. On earlier versions you could edit the UI size .